Source Code


PC is for gang drop outs or what gang members call the gays . being gay or a dropout is hella disrespectful so they call u a name, which is , PC. Also when you get locked up the officers ask you if you currently gang affiliated and if you say yes , but the jail mates find out you are lying and you are a PC they could kill you or hurt you. So it would be important to tell the officer that you are a PC so they know where to put u as your settlement placement.

Gang Member: Your a PC foo get the fuck out of my face you disrespectful ass punk bitch

Officer: Are you currently gang affiliated or currently gang active?
Random person : No Im a PC .

Officer: okay we will put you in the non gang affiliated placement.

by fuck the ops foo April 27, 2018


post-cock (adv/adj/n): occurring after a sexual encounter with a man and his penis.

I would play guitar more, but I'm just PC so often that I never have the energy!

Set two personal records today: I read 270 pages and I wasn't PC at all! Yeehaw!

I would write in my highary more often, but I just have the worst handwriting PC.

Caffeine is my favorite thing to drink PC.

Some of my friends don't understand that being flakey is just a part of my personality. I think it's because they aren't PC enough.

I don't outline papers, I pregame for them! And I proofread them PC, of course.

What if your roommate was gay? Seriously, what if? That'd be so awkward PC.

by Millsberry Dough Girl February 28, 2011


1) Personal Computer
2) Politically correct
3) Postal code
4) Peace

1) "Dammit my PC is running so slow, I really need to upgrade the RAM"
2) "People often use PC language when referring to people with disabilities"
3) "Don't forget to include your P.C. in the address so the package can be delivered correctly"
4) "I'll catch up with you later, man. Pc!"

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian April 4, 2023


PC, meaning Pre-Covid, is any year (starting at 2019) before the COVID-19 virus became a global pandemic. Generally used to confirm that what you're speaking of came before covid.

I used to think that I should go out and socialize more, but that was PC.

I bought that PC so it's a few years old at least.

by The Rat Lordius December 6, 2023


A straight guy that needs to know what his cum taste like to a potential cock sucker

Carlos put precum on his finger to know that his stuff was worth enjoying. PC means that someone will taste a person juice

by diesel jeans June 12, 2019


Abbreviation of purple cock

When a penis is squeezed by something so tight, that blood cannot flow properly, and it becomes purple in color.

I got a bad case of PC when I got my dick stuck in a toaster.

by PixelGeek52 June 21, 2016


Pecker check ;When your partner unbuckles your belt and angrily pulls your pants down and proceeds to sniff your pecker to determine where your unit has been

It's all fun and games until you get the Ole pc, "it smells like soap because I washed it babe "

by kossy September 17, 2022