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bum slug

to have a slug up ones bum

oooo i feel a a bum slug coming on soon jeffery

by John Terry May 10, 2005

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Cum Slugs

Globules or strands of stray cum which might have travelled further then you thought & thus don't get cleaned up, which once dry look it / resemble a slug!

Ken "I had a good wank the other day in my mums room, I thought I'd cleaned all the cum entrails up but a few cum slugs had formed on the wall which I hadn't noticed!!"

Frank "what happened, did you mum find them?"

Ken "yeah & it wasn't the first time she had found my cum slugs, so I was in deep trouble!!"

by Lord_of_ Words October 21, 2010

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slug monster

i) a general analogy for all things terrible and horrendous in nature.

1) ripping someones shit out by sticking your arm elbow deep in their face is a type of "slug monstering".

2) If a child is vampiric then by law you must axe their throats. This is another manner of slug monstering someone. Or SM'ing their shit.

by Kade/Sarah February 18, 2008

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slug neck

A slang term for foreskin on a penis.

"When I'm having sex and the juices are flowing, my foreskin really turns into a slug neck."
"It's always good to clean your slug neck thoroughly."

by PlutoSlug March 6, 2017

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slug & lettuce

Derived from establishment frequented by females of a certain class for the purposes of consuming large quantities of sweet alcoholic beverages in order to ease the process of finding a suitable partner to procreate with. Commonly used to describe a particularly slutty drunken behaviour.

We went to this bar last night, and Jessica has gone totally slug & lettuce.

by Tish & Justin August 22, 2006

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slug wrestling

Slug wrestling is when you are camping in a tent and you are in your sleeping bag, and you wrestle without your legs and arms, just the bag.

Hey Kerri, it's cold outside, do you wanna do some slug wrestling?

by Slugwrestler69 October 28, 2017

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Couch Slug

post coital vaginal and seminal fluid left behind by a naked woman who sits on a couch.

โ€œNorah you dirty slut, you left a greasy couch slug on my new futon!โ€

by #1506 November 12, 2012

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