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Grant Moment

A grant moment may qualify as a person saying a very unique one liner especially in a way that is retarded, funny, and something you would not expect.

Example 1
Person A: *calls Person B*
Person B: I'm gyming fucktard

Person A: that is such a Grant moment

Example 2
Person A: Good morning, I hope your morning wood is oak
Person B: That is such a Grant Moment

by eladalo June 9, 2023

Oreo Moment

A pause or moment of relaxation taken at the peak of stress, frustration, anxiety. Used to restore calm or to ward off a full on breakdown or outburst. May involve the eating of a sweet snack (like an oreo cookie) that is high in calorie & low in food value.

After the boss changed the project deadline for the 3rd time, Kaylee had an Oreo moment. She sat at her desk, drank her coffee & ate some cookies,while looking at & speaking to no one.

by CamZombie December 21, 2010

yaoi moment

A moment occuring, usually during a movie, in which 2 guys hint at the possibility that they like each other. This gives girls hope that they will get to see some hot guy on guy action.

Girl 1: omg did you see the way he looked into his eyes? Girl 2: yess!! Total yaoi moment!

by kurtsie-girl July 20, 2010

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this is gross moment

When you're eating something you've been eating for a while, commonly something you've eaten many times before, and you realize suddenly that it is gross. Frequently happens at Subway.

"I ate this brand of veggie hot dogs for months before I had a 'this is gross moment' and then never bought them again."

by AlbertXII February 14, 2010

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Alfie Moment

When someone does something dumb or silly / mess up.

Person 1 : Why cant you play ps4 ?
Person 2 :i broke my PS4 again
Everyone : Alfie Moment

by itzkevzz February 16, 2021

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Drake Moment

When ur caught up in ur emotions.

I'm having a drake moment, I miss that girl so much.

by The night!!! August 24, 2014

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ZA moment

A ZA moment is when you are right in the middle of a situation but STILL have absolutely NO idea what's going on and usually need it explained to you. THAT'S a ZA-moment.

She: "What book are you reading?"
He: "Book?"
She: "The one in your hands".
He: "Uh-ZA! Got me; it's an auto manual"

OR ~

(You're in a restaurant and the waiter walks up to you.)
W: Are you ready to order?
Y: Order?
W: Your meal. Have you decided?
Y: "OH! Uh, yes! Sorry! Had a ZA-Moment there."

by N.Berry January 8, 2011

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