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A whore is a girl named ryley who likes to betray friend. Gets shocked and says ouch frequently. Funny but needs work on the butt. Has iq of peanut. Thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. Flips with long ass index finger like a whore. Forgets to send friends streaks.

β€œWow gosh that Ryley girl is such a whore!”

by Yuhboytickles69 February 20, 2020

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My brother

My brother's a whore he will fuck literally any girl as long as he thinks she's cute

by Jellybean.P. January 11, 2020

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Alexandra long

Alex is a whore

by Ajejwnehaus May 19, 2019

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Def 1: Used to describe someone ( usually a female ) wearing skimpy, suggestive clothes that is assumed to be seeking attention from ( usually males ). Usually, because this method works other women get jealous. Or that being slutty is so taboo it can be used in terms for bullying.
This is an typically insult.
Thesaurus: whore , slut , bitch , hoe , cunt

Def 2: Legitimately, a (woman) who sleep with a lot of men, more-so for money. (although not always the case) See prostitute

This is typically just an observation.
Thesaurus: whore , slut , prostitute , hoe , dirty , trash , ratchet

Def 3: Someone who does something excessively.
In terms like Def 2, a whore is usually considered a Nymphomaniac ( addicted to sex ) . Although this definition can be used with most any addiction .
This is typically a joke, more-so an insulting joke.
Thesaurus: whore , pig , fat-ass , fat ass , addict

Def 1: ' Wow, she's such a whore. '

Def 2: ' Watch out, she's a bit of a whore. '

Def 3: ' You ate all of the pizza, you whore! '

by Killossal September 16, 2015

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A less than respectable woman that willingly chooses to engage in sexual relations with an equally less than respectable man by the name of Stan

Stan claims the whore he slept with was not a whore

by Stan duh man January 21, 2015

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A person who performs the act of sleeping with someone a day after you meet them

Day after: "Wowwwwww... you would pull a Jenna. Whore."

by erklcf2111 May 13, 2010

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sabrina kramer

look at that girl, she’s acting like a sabrina kramer (whore)

by grease bevilulala December 30, 2017

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