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Top-Rated Schlong

Term used to describe one who has mastered the sex.

It’s a shame you don’t want to date anymore because you were one of my top-rated schlongs.

by CulverCityToast December 10, 2018

Conservative Rating Fallacy

The Conservative belief that the majority agree with their opinion, particularly because of ratings on a social media post.

Generally this occurs on left-leaning social media posts, where the majority of the received feedback is from conservative users.

Typically the smaller, conservative group tend to base their beliefs around hatred, and thus feel the need to give overwhelming negative feedback to assert dominance and protect their sensitive egos. The actual majority however, tends to be made up of people who don't care, or are intelligent enough not to argue with idiots.

Post: "Donald Trump has a bad spray tan and says a lot of stupid things."

Person 1: Why does that post have more dislikes than likes? Everything about it is completely true.

Person 2: Oh don't mind that, it's just from a bunch of cultists using the Conservative Rating Fallacy.

by I Chose To Speak Facts May 20, 2021

rate theory

Rate theory is the idea that sum of the individual surface areas of two limits is at a right-angle to the difference in values between the two limits.

Rate theory constitutes a theory of interscience or the mind.

It indicates that a division problem is really a right-angle relationship between the sum of two surface-areas and the difference in two values

by zanderfin August 23, 2020

bond rating

The credit rating of a country, state, or municipality. It is typically used when they want to take a loan.

The state of Illionis has the lowest bond rating.

by MST3K I like April 29, 2023

Rating and feedback

Rating and feedback

Rating and feedback

by Minah200 August 16, 2023

Immortality Rate

The percentage/chance lf a person recovering from an illness/disease, the exact opposite of the mortality rate (death rate) but with a gamble for life.

Lower Immortality Rates means it is unlikely for a person of that illness to recover. i.e. high mortality rates.

Immortality rates are the exact opposite, lower meaning deadly, higher meaning safer.

by 1m1m0 January 3, 2023

Chingle rating

A way of describing how well you are doing at a particular activity or game. (Having big chingles is equivalent to a low chingle rating and visa versa)

My chingle rating is really low today in this game.

My chingles are giant right now.

by Itsboren September 19, 2020