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Urban Opinion

When people add a definition to urban dictionary, usually on music, movies or sometimes even books (In the case of Twilight), and attempt to brain wash people in to believing their opinion is fact, even though it's usually moronic.

Example of Urban Opinions.

Example 1; All Time Low

"amazing band.
your stupid if you dont check them out."

Example 2; Twilight

"You should read the Twilight books and see the movie, they are all great"

by Kiss_Fan January 9, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dicktionary

Urban dicktionary is when urban dictionary is simply a dick and won't add certain words

1: Oh I tried to add a word on urban dictionary
2: did it work
1: no
2: so u mean urban DICKTIONARY

by Random Words Blah Blah August 4, 2020

39๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

karl urban

Hot actor from new zealand. Played in Lord of the Rings as Eomer, Ghost in The Pathfinder, Leonard Bones Mccoy in Star Trek, Rob in the Price Of Milk and John Grimm "Reaper" in Doom. All equally sexy. Hes 37, has an amazing accent, an a widows peak. Also called Urbanlicious.

People watching Karl Urban: "hes hot....." *sighs, drools slightly*

by outofmyvulcanmind September 6, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban thesaurus

A source used to find synonyms of words not easily found in normal dictionaries.

by Andy September 25, 2003

477๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban dictonary

The site you're on now, dipshit.


by IDIDATHING November 30, 2015

57๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dicrionary

you just misspelled Urban dictionary, and why the fuck are you even searching up the website ONthe website??

Jake: yo man have you heard that Urban dicrionary just got scammed of a million dollars?
brake: did you just misspelled Urban dictionary?
Jake: wait but this is real life
brake: wait they got scammed?
Jake: what?
brake: what?

by siloricity September 29, 2019

Urban Dick

A "peer editor" sitting at his computer who refuses to publish a witty and relevant definition onto Urban Dictionary despite the fact that when the word is used by its author on a daily basis, it is well received and appreciated.

That urban dick refused to publish my kick ass definition on Urban Dictionary again!

by Nictionary April 17, 2015