si stop taking you can’t tell me what to do so shut up
shut up you can’t tell me what to do
something one of my classmates say when they feel like identifying someone by "it", and they are doing something quite peculiar
what is it doing, maybe its getting a bit acoustic
What do the rest of the people mean to you? They don’t mean anything to you. They’re just serfs, they’re just people.
What do the rest of the people mean to you? Absolutely nothing, so you shall not aid them.
I lack the will to put effort into thinking critically about something, please relieve me of this burden and tell me what to think so I can fit in with the herd.
"So, what do we think about trending controversial topic?"
"I don't know what 'we' think, but I think you're a fucking tool"
I'm assuming it's a secular alternative to WWJD, substituting Dolly Parton for Jesus. Elementally it means, respond to adversity by demonstrating that you're not being dragged into negativity and moving on instead. Perhaps my puffing up your chest or holding your head high. Or just because you feel like doing those things, regardless of any adversity.
Inevitably highjacked by faux feminist and pop feminists with self-congratulatory memes about achievements that aren't gender specific.
Person one: "My partner done gone and left me for another woman. what would Dolly do?"
Person two: "Correct your grammar and self-reflect, don't be judgemental or infer that everyone of a certain gender act the same way" *sprays hair heavily and moves on*
Person 1: blahblahblah nerd shit.
Person 2: you know What you need to do
Person 1:
Person 2: thanks.
2👍 1👎