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Taking the trump out

Another way of saying taking the trash out replace trash with trump also insinuating that trump stinks

Isabel:mum I'm taking the trump out it really stinks

Mum: okay

by Trumphater1000 December 12, 2016

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Going Full Trump

Showing overconfidence to the point of idiocy. Unable to see one's obvious flaws.

He seemed like a decent guy. Funny, smart. But then he ended up Going Full Trump.

by clock40man August 27, 2016

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Trump derangement syndrome

(Trump derangement syndrome) otherwise known as its acronym (TDS) refers to the sudden and usually spontaneous promoting of anti-trump redirect during a conversation that is of something that has no correlation to Donald J. Trump. This Term can usually be found as an insult to people who support or represent the democrat party of the United States.

"did you hear that democrat call trump a nazi? they must have trump derangement syndrome.

by I love AOC March 12, 2023

40πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

You’re so trump

The definition of β€œyou’re so trump”, is a combination of a mongtard, tard, retard, and all of the most offensive definitions of a leader/dictator with an inability to see the things directly in their face, ears, lives etc and an little to no understanding of the standard set rules everyone else follows. I.e. winner / loser?

Donald you”re so trump!
What a game if you’re so trump!

by Lilybet January 18, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Who Will Miss Trump?

Almost everybody who would be forced to look elsewhere come 1/20/2021 for new or rich sources of misinformation and dishonesty after the rejected, ejected, and dejected White Supremacist in Chief leaves office, whose idiocies and idiosyncrasies have atrophied or numbed the right part of the brain for hundreds of thousands of comedians, reporters, and even math educators since 11/9/2016.

β€œWho Will Miss Trump?” sounds like the political equivalent of β€œWho Took My Calculator?” or β€œWho Moved My Cheese?”

by MathPlus January 19, 2021

57πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

fuck donald trump

Mainly used when someone is angry at the current state of the USA.

Something that Urban Dictionary would put as the Word Of The Day to spread their political ideologies. Used even when Donald Trump isn't even president anymore and cannot make more dumbass decisions.

Person A: Hey, what do you think is the Word Of The Day on Urban Dictionary today?
Person B: It's probably some shit that aligns with their political views, like "fuck donald trump".
Person A: Ah, of course. They definitely don't have a political bias, certainly not when they are a service.

by ShitPissCum1312 December 3, 2020

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Clans new word for Nigger

Your a Trump.

by EJG1025 February 21, 2017

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