kiss your girlfriend day
person.hey its november 19
person.ya wats so inportent about that
person.its kiss your girlfriend day
It’s the new Netflix and chill, imax and climax, etc in the time of coronavirus pandemic.
Person to attractive quarantine candidate: coffee, kiss, and quarantine?
Candidate: thanks, but id rather go shopping for disinfectant wipes with you unless you have a fever.
Bumper to bumper driving, where the driver behind your car misses ramming into your car by a few breathless seconds.
The driver behind me was practising Boot-kiss driving. My heart leapt out when he stopped short of ramming into my car by a few seconds.
Bumper to bumper driving, where the driver behind your car misses ramming into your car by a few breathless seconds.
The driver behind me was practising Boot-kiss driving. My heart leapt out when he stopped short of ramming into my car by a few seconds.
when you help light a cig with an lit cig you both take a hit and the tip of the lit cig lights the end of the other one
crush: do you got a lighter
I: wait i know an better alternative
Crush: ofc
I: its called flame kiss
Crush: wow thats hot
The red marks that you get on your face from bone-smashing
“Yeah, I’ve been bone-smashing recently. You can probably see all the demon kisses I have on my face”
It’s when you kiss Cody Rickard when on this certain date
Hey it’s December 18 we have to kiss Cody Rickard