That one tasteless fucking drink that somehow helps us live.
H2O. Essential to human survival. Also found in lakes, oceans, and rivers this clear liquid is a life saver. Literally. So don't take it for granted.
Becky- This water tastes like actual trash
Taylor- I'm sorry it's not the right kind of glacier water 🙄
a no color no flavor liquid that your dad and mom force you to drink
Son: mom can I have cola?
Mom: no worthless disappointment DRINK WATER ITS HELTHY BITCH
to define something that is cool or dope
also to agree like word
person 1: what’s the time?
person 2: 1200
person 1: water
water...... dumbass why are you searching up water
dumbass: hmmm it would be funny if I searched water up
This is the most potent substance known to mankind.
It is the main cause of the greenhouse effect.
It is the main substance of acid rain.
It can break down whole mountains.
It corrodes steel in houses and cars.
93% of the people who ate this chemical died.
Only 7% of who were exposed to this chemical are alive today.
It is even detected in significant amounts in the antartic snow.
Despite having the many effects listed above, it is used in almost every chemical factory, and also are released from the factories.
It can act to spread bacteria, and there are many cases recorded in history.
It is used during reproduction of mosquitoes.
I strongly do not recommend being in contact with this poison.
If you unfortunately have been in touch with this, you will die for sure.
School is contaminated by dihydrogen monoxide(Water), so I shall refuse to go there.
just some liquid a lot of animals and humans need to survive apparently
it's a common belief that you should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day