short for "Green Fuck Nigga" often confused with " green Fortnite"
"Green fn" differentiates itself from "Green Fuck Nigga" as it is a statement made when shooting a shot in real life basketball, regardless of if its made or not .
Green fn was popularized on tiktok by the basketball community often with an image of Peter Griffin shooting a Fade away shot.
Green fn is also used as a response in creepy situations where a girl would say something like
"Why are you hiding in my septic tank?" said the girl
"Green fn" said the rizzler
In the middle of the basketball game Josh shot a jumpshot in which he missed horribly. “Green fn!!” They all shout in unison
A popular phrase on TikTok stands for "green f--kin nig-a"
Somebody takes a shot on a basketball hoop instead of saying "Kobe" they say "Green Fn"
Green fn is short for green Fortnite
Guy: hey have you tried this new Fortnite?
Guys friend: which color?
Guy: green fn
Green FN stands for a far more explicit phrase, "green f--kin' n---a" that's used to refer to someone who is particularly suave or cool. In its original use case, the term was fairly specific to the world of basketball although people think it means "Green Fortnite"
Lil bro is about to hit a green FN