Source Code

Slap your sandwich

Code word used in front on children for intercourse with your wife or girlfriend

I can’t wait for the kids to go to bed so I can slap your sandwich baby girl

by Sex with girlfriend November 28, 2020

Chinese Fire Slap

When you make a 360 degree turn and then proceed to firmly place your hand across (preferably) the persons face, imprinting your handprint on their face for 1-3 days.

Man, Tyler just chinese fire slapped that weird kid ahmet. His face finna look like a tomato for the next 2 days!

by EDP(.)(.)6969 October 10, 2018

Indonesian Mud Slap

When your fucking a fat bitch in the ass and she shits on your dick and you slap it all over her face til she looks black

Landon: I gave lauren rothhandler a Indonesian mud slap last night, her face was all brown!

by landon haas May 22, 2024

Ugle slapping

Slapping some ugly butt. Ugles need love too!

Don't you feel any shame? She looks like Gregory.

Bro, nothing better then some pent up ugle slapping sometimes.

by flexydevil May 2, 2023

slapping the bongos

When a girl is drunk and passed out on your floor and you repeatedly t-bag her while your friend is free-styling in the background.

Did you hear Austin slapping the bongos last night?

by KitchenBound41 July 25, 2019

slapping your john

Slapping ones john is a term dirived from lower Manhattan. The art of nonchalantly and gently kissing a strangers penis or if you prefer. His shiny helmet.

Hey bro, do you mind me slapping your john?

by Condalisa_rice June 20, 2018

Snatch Slap

Accidentally smacking a snatch instead of an ass cheek

Bend over I’m going to snatch slap your taco!

by Sassy Pants Sarah December 5, 2021