A godless land, a place with more drugs at any given point in time than Pablo Escobar has seen in his life. The floor is caked with enough piss to make a kinky bastard drop and start licking. There’s always one kid in there shitting his brains out. The graffiti on the stall walls can make a KKK meeting look tame.
If you have a piss kink or a drug problem, the Shawnee lower D hall boys bathroom is the place for you.
a big balloga whale, the types that you see in the sea.
person: bro did u see marielis d
person: yeah look at that big balloga whale it's so big!
When a woman has curly hair and her name starts with d
Hey curly d what’s up girl!!!!!!!
A breadstick that is generally made by an genuine Italian.
Smith:Hey bro, did you taste the chef's Cole D?
Jerry: Yeah dude it was awesome.
A term to describe something unique and golden, can used to describe a moment.
This canvas is so D/or.
Lisa: Look what your kid just did! This is so D/or.