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JOEMAMA WAS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

joe is joemama if you watch memes your the best and if you dont go to the meme hospital duceses

by big boyzz December 10, 2019


A average fellow who likes to take long walks in the park with his dog spark

"Hey look its joe"

by Chetnator June 7, 2018



Guy 1: Did you hear about Joe?
Guy 2: No
Guy 1: Joe Momma

by f_i_n_n_a__w_o_k_e October 26, 2019


The word used to end someones whole career. Can not affect ones with 2 dads.

"Ay, you know who Joe is?" "Who's Joe?" " Joe Mama!"

by Mr.BigJoe November 13, 2019


joe is so so hot and he can literally kiss someone called Will right now please joe kiss me

"kiss me joe i beg"

by WillIsland May 6, 2021


Word originating in Ireland meaning to be a leader or brave

He’s a leader, He’s a proper Joe

by DazzlerBai April 10, 2024


A popular last name for Joe is Mama, the ultimate of roasts.

"Hey, Joe is looking for you"

"Who's Joe?"

"Joe Mama!!"

by Joeladen September 30, 2019