literally the best person in the world. it deserves the world honestly
It be stanky and fishy
Stanky and fishy
Fishy and stanky
Fishy and stanky
It be stanky and fishy
Stanky and fishy
Fishy stanky
Fishy and stanky
I got STDs
They make my coochie itch
It really stinks no matter how many baths I take
I got STD's because of my stank fishy.
1) Noun. A reptilian sea creature that has no legs and instead seeks with its two legs and a tail. Some are wild, some are kept as pets, and some are eaten as food.
2) Verb. The process of catching fish. Sometimes used indirectly as a synonym for searching for something.
Some people eat fish raw and call it sushi.
Food that should not be eaten before or after you eat ice cream. If you do, you will get Violent Explosive Diarrhea.
Fish and ice cream just don't mix!