That time when Peter Griffin from Family Guy in a COD shitpost said "YOU STUPID NIGGER"
The stare your old lady gives you when you tell her what your about to do. It's an emotionless gaze that gets your blood boiling and want to raise your pimp hand.
The Dude: well shit guess I'll sell your jewelry that your great great grandma Tits Mcgee left for you.
Your old lady:
The Dude: Bitch don't be throwin that nigger twitch at me. Daddy has the hankerin for some crack. I'll smack that darkness off yo face.
when you hear one of them lip smacking chest beating knuckle dragging vine swingers speaking and you just cant understand them
what is that guy saying? he's speaking nigger babble
It's like Project Blue Beam but for African Americans
Hey dawg, did you see those 64 Impalas hovering in the sky last night?
Mang, that's probably Project Nigger Beam
Nigger balls is commonly used to define meat balls
Ayo, bro give me the nigger balls
They work on roofs
Kind of like sand nigger
They got a whole bunch of roof niggers up there laying shingles on that roof