The day you not allowed to go on any other site except urban dictionary. 26th of December.
Person 1: oh hay it's urban dictionary day yay this has been done before yay day
Person 2: ok imma go on urban dictionary
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i was just making an urban dictionary word.
typing ↹ into the search bar crashes the website, try it
Me: hey urban dictionary, guess what
Urban dictionary: what?
Me: ↹
Urban dictionary: urban dictionary crash
Massive cock sucking faggatrons
Person 1: The faggatrons keep rejecting my definitions
Person 2: They must be to busy sucking on fat massive cock
Person 3: Y'all must be talking about the Urban Dictionary Editors
Bro that guy is such an urban dictionary editor
The people that reject and approve definitions. Criticized for allowing unfunny sexual "definitions" on non-sexual terms that no one uses in that manner and "definitions" for real-life names.
"Bruh Urban Dictionary Editors aren't even following any sort of guidelines. They accept fake definitions that are either overly sexual for no reason or praise anyone with a certain real-life name that the editor and/or author probably have."