a day when all white melbournians go to the zoo and don’t let anyone see the animals
boxing day - melbourne is when whites don’t let people see animals
Tease the weasel. Lope the mule. Masturbate.
I’m so boned up. I need to box Oscar.
a really wierd person but i love her to death. she also loves watching tv
wow did you see bailee box she loves watching tv
A person who thinks he is amazingly good at boxing however his overall performance and technique is about as good as the search for Madeline McCann. This person may be so far up his own arse he may believe he will persue an amateur career no matter who not even the coach can persuade him that he is shit.
Oliver: Lads! Fucked my wrist from how hard I pounded them boxing bags last night!
Rhys: No ol its because you slap the box with the side of your wrist because ur shit.
Oliver: No im a boxing whale, I may not be as good as AJ but I will pursue an amateur career
What you shoot video game charters in; i.e the head.
shot 'em in his dome flavored face box