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the act of looking up a word you didn't know on urbandictionary.com

1-"dude.... that kid corey is such a doob!"
2-"....wtf is a doob?"
1-"I don't know. I urbaned that shit and it means man boob"

by JasonOHNO January 11, 2006

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to have your definition show up on URBAN DICTIONARY'S home page.

I don't know if I can talk to you anymore, I was urbanated today.

by Deborah Lee September 11, 2006

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Person who enters their name in urbandictonary.com as something along the lines of "a perfect, sexy, intelligent, cool, awesome person" even if they are none of these things. This also refers someone who degrades friends by entering their name in urbandictonary.com.

"Yo dude check out what my name means on urbandictonary.com"

"Dude you're a urbaner"

"Haha your name on urbandictonary.com is a person without a life"

"dude you totally urbaned that"

by the grand master llama February 7, 2010

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To scroll through the Urban Dictionary and fined fucking absurd and crazy shit that will scar you and make you an irrelevant human being that should be sent to the underworld for what they have read.

Damn Steve should stop Urbanization at night, he's really fucking gay now, and why is he wearing 2 Strap on's?

by DANEMEISTER!!! October 22, 2017

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1. marketing term used to hide the fact they are focusing on a racial group
2. black people or other minority
3. city dwellers
4. downtown area

Ok, Coke lets focus on how we can reach the urban markets. Let's sell Coke with fried chicken!

by Bud E Love May 7, 2003

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A word that has been urbanized, is basically any word used with or attached to any of the following:

The word fucktard is an urbanized word.

by SPaige August 6, 2007

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Noun ~ Person that makes up words to add to to the Urban Dictionary website just so they can feel they have been published.

#1 Man, whatchu doin" Don't you have anythgin better to do wqith your tim than make up words for Urban Dictionary. You nothin' but an Urbanizer.
#2 At least I'm published! Beyotch!

by Tall_Dave March 1, 2006

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