Source Code


A lover or significant other

Bae come here so I can kiss you.

by bubbless August 12, 2006

10983👍 11103👎


Meaning boyfriend/ girlfriend; can be used to flirt with other people

Crush: "Bae, stop playing and give me a hug."
Girl: " Okay bae"

by Kakashisan21 March 7, 2019

2👍 2👎


A nickname for Bailey, who is kind, sweet, and everything in between.

“Hey Bae you look gorgeous today”

Person: “Hey Bae can I ask you a question?”
Bailey: “What?”
Person: “I love you”
Bailey: “That’s not a question”
Person: “And it never will be”

by VeeBoy69 July 5, 2022


Not necessarily your girlfriend/boyfriend but your lover
Meaning: Before Anyone Else
The one you want to be with
The one you want in your life for a long time
The one you can laugh with
The one you can just be you around
The one that makes you smile for no reason
The one that just gives you the chills (in a good way)

No one can replace the love of my bae <3

by Serenati's Girlfriend January 4, 2014

1612👍 1595👎



Bae is secret code for fat girls.

Eric: Did you see Julie?
Joe: Yeah, she is a bae, she blew up.
John: Yeah she ate so much, looks like she got stung by a bee. She is such a bae.

Eric: Did you see Julie?
Joe: Yeah, she is a bae, she blew up.
John: Yeah she ate so much, looks like she got stung by a bee. She is such a bae.

by BigDnu June 21, 2014

412👍 390👎


The Danish word for "shit." Well, it was, until a bunch of uneducated morons decided it meant "Before Anyone Else" in reference to their love interest. If they said the word to someone in Denmark, they'd get the "bæ" kicked out of them.

American teen: Hey bae! what's up?
Danish teen: Hvad fanden er der galt med dig, meningsløs gris? (What the hell is wrong with you, senseless pig?)

by Intelligence001 January 3, 2017

29👍 18👎


The most fucking annoying way to say girlfriend, boyfriend, crush, or any other sort of significant other. Commonly used by ghetto folks, swagfags, lazy assholes, and annoying fucktards. Also: If you use the word "bae" IRL, then please... for the sake of the English language.. die. Originally "Before Anyone Else" and meant as a good thing but is now just a distracting, dumbass thing to say. Used mostly by dumbass people who dont have anything worthwhile to say so the just yell Bae. A shithole way to annoy people. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a Danish word for 'poop', the Danish word for poop is 'agterstavn'. I wish people would just stop using the fucking word already. And yes this is a combination of different definitions of the word found here.

She's the Bae
That was the Bae
That was such bull Bae

Shut the hell up with that word already you stupid idiot

by KogaDarkWolf October 20, 2014

146👍 129👎