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From what I can tell they are black or at least they think they are. they are all related to each other and their family get together are more like rave party's. their family trees look more like a GIANT circle. they have maximum spice tolerance but are bad at everything else. if you want to spot one in the wild go to these places,(Detroit Michigan, any local hood, Mexico, or the back of the bus). if they mate with whites their kids come out being called "white washed" and have none of the traits your usual beaner has. if your looking for drugs DONT buy from them you will usually wake upon the next morning and go into cardiac arrest, upon following with a stroke and then a 3 year coma. they are also very good at hopping fences and swimming in rivers, but CANNOT swim anywhere else.

beaner in my yard

by average black man September 1, 2023

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang used commonly to describe illegal immigrants from Mexico who are currently in the United States . (stress - ILLEGAL) These illegal immigrants have no command of the English language and no inclination to change that fact.
This in no way describes bonafide LEGAL immigrants from Mexico or anywhere else, who are a staple of America.

See that group of beaners over there? Not a green card among'em.

by beanernews May 1, 2006

85๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž


An insult to mexicans cause people think they eat alot of beans.What about the average fat american?They eat lots of french fries and hamburgers.Should I call americans hamburglers or what?At least beans don;t make you fat.

Beaner is a very stupid word.

by Chickenwing21 September 25, 2006

71๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beaner is what a racist person calls someone from Mexico or Latin America because they are racist and think we are all the same .
It's like calling a white person a cracker. If you use this word around people you don't know you will get your ass beat.

Racist person: go back to Mexico you beaner
Mexican or latino (cuz you are racist and don't know the difference): *quietly walk away* or *beat your ass*

by Sanchez Sanchez December 16, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Let me be clear that the term "beaner" does NOT apply to all mexicans/latinos. A hardworking mexican man who illegally crossed here to work hard and send money to their family back is not a beaner. Though they do mow lawns and perform a variety of other manual labor jobs, they are much more respectable than the beaners/spics that come to this country and live with their mothers who live off welfare checks. Beaners are pieces of scum who:
1. Sag their pants
2. Threaten to fight you like a man, but really mean, "come at me ese me and me and all my homies will fuck you up puto".
3. Wear bandanas to represent their homosexual gangs that they are a part of. Popular homosexual beaner gangs include but are not limited to: The Latin Kings, La Marasalvatrucha (MS- thirteen dicks up the ass), Mexican Mafia (technically beaner mafia), The 18th street gang, named for the eighteen gangbangs they hold every week, and many other faggy beaner gangs.
4. Have never opened a book.
5. Consider graffiti art
6. Think they are tough when in reality, they are too scared to fight you one on one and must call on their piece of filth "homies" to help them out in a fight.
7. Make the Catholic church look bad by thinking that it is ok to commit acts of robbery and murder while wearing a rosary or crucifix around their necks because it is part of "la raza".

Mike: Look at that beaner mowing that lawn.
Shawn: That's not a beaner, that thing over there is. (points to some retard on the corner in front of a liquor store trying to act hard)

Dan: Sigh... after meeting this Asian girl's parents, we can't go out anymore because her parents think I'm a beaner.
Kevin: Dudeee, do they know what a beaner is?
Dan: Apparently not :(

Look at that beaner showing off his fake Nike shoes that he probably bought from kmart after begging his mommy for a few bucks.

Beaner: Ay foo orale guey viva la raza homes, sur side for life ese!
Mexican: Were you dropped on your head? Does "sur side" mean going down on another man?
Beaner: Simon ese...

by Dick Feynman September 29, 2012

46๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž


So you wanna know what a beaner is? Okay, well why not have an intellectual 'beaner' explain it to you? Yeah, pedasos de mierda con patas, I'll fucking tell your asses. Okay a beaner is a mexican that has gotten sick of his country (yes Mexicans are originally from mexico), and so in the process has tried to move from his country to one that actually has jobs. See the thing is that their government has been extremly corrupted, except they had nothing good to take away in the first place, unlike us. So- anyways they try and come over here in an attempt to mak themselves better people. When they get over here a huge wave of ignorance (that's you) meets them. Believe it or not Mexicans don't leave entire families just to come to the "great america" where every1 is rude and a little bit rascist. No they generally attempt it so that they can provide food and and care for the family back in Mexico.the only reason their don't follow the legal immigration process (I know u ppl with the brains were thinking) is that for that to happen they have to wait up to 2 yrs b4 they're even acknowledged as potential u.s. citizens (i.e. Remember when I said the government was a little corrupt, I digress).

Just look at me, I am a beaner. well 75% of me anyways.

by ontherightedge May 15, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


Every single resident of Canyon county Idaho

guy one: "hey man"
guy two: "yeah"
guy one: "look at that fucking beaner in the Lincoln Navigator, wih Gonzalez in the back window"
guy two: "disturbing!"

by destroyer of vaginas November 24, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž