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read your books

by casaNation December 15, 2021

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The most beautiful thing, no, living being on Earth. You will never be able to find another thing that is better than this because it can solve all of your problems. If you are a depressed bitch, read a book. If you have daddy issues because your dad is a pussy, the pages will always be by your side. Buy a book my friends.

"Wait, you have a book?! Watch when all your problems disappear, even your dad!"

by MafiaBitch13 June 13, 2021

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An Amish or Mennonite person.

"Hey Book, 4:30, time for milking."

by Johnny Peru September 9, 2007

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A blank notebook shared between best friends or an amoeba. The friends take turns adding entries pertaining to life, boys, sex, school and the idiots that make up half of our population. The Book is treasured by the friends and can be seen only by their eyes. It is exchanged between it's owners at candlelit vigils.

1) The amoeba has a Book.
2) One day those girls will publish The Book.

by amoeba woman June 1, 2009

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Noun : Many pages put together to tell stories, information ect.
Adj : To be super awesome and cool.

"Woah! Those beans are so book!

by The Cool Kids Club February 14, 2010

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an ancient artifact used for unknown purposes

I found a book in the ruins of Mukundria. I sold it to the museum for $100,000.

by Makundra October 17, 2017

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It is the height of coolness, you cannot be cooler than book, it is physically impossible.

Oh wow, Mel thinks she's cooler than James, but he's book, so she can't be.

by I'm So Book May 2, 2011

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