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Brock (n): 1 An honest, loyal gentleman who is both handsome and handy to have around. A true cat lover, Brock is happiest when napping with one of his favourite felines. 2 The Brock system (colloquial) A system of recording all things in all dimensions of time and space via the making of extensive lists.

A: Gee, I wish I could remember everything we did on that holiday back in 1970.

B: You should try the Brock system! It records everything you’ve ever wanted to know and/or remember and files it away forEVER.

by lovefromthewestcoast August 19, 2021


From the famous on going anime Pokemon Brock is portrayed as a handy guy and near nurse, officer Jenny or any older girl

Brock is portrayed as a simp and or affectionate hungry asking for their love and then take his shot before Misty May or Dawn grabbing him by the ear

There goes Joe asking the new girl he just ask like brock.

by Jerryboiz January 4, 2021


The most sexy freshmen baseball player at guyer. He is so hot and plays the trumpet like a god. He is loved by everyone. And is a god at everything. He hits home runs for breakfast.

Is that Jesus no it’s Brock

by GodAndJesusCombined October 26, 2018

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A very nice and caring person who will care about any important person in his life. He is also a sweet boyfriend and anyone who is dating a him is very lucky to have him

Wow Brock is such a sweetheart

by #FML July 13, 2018

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A modifying noun/adjective used for meat-head jocks
β€’a brock usually has a super lean, buff-ish type of body mass due to the fact the only thing they do besides play meat heat sports,aka, football and hit on girls...is work out

Wow, all he does is workout and drink Wheatgrass flavored gatorade...what a brock

by Spokken May 29, 2015

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


an idiot.

your acting like a brock.

by oofymkgee April 29, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


In simplest terms Brock means "swag"

"Hey did you hear the new One Direction album? It's so Brock!!" ️"Wow you look so Brock in those new shoes"

by LukenessMonster November 10, 2014

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž