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bullseye bitch

A sexual act. When a guy is getting his joint copped (head or jerk off), and the girl doesn't want to get the jizz on her, he waits until right before he's about to cum and then smacks her hand so she aims his dick at her face and . . . bullseye bitch!

Girl: "Don't get any on me alright?"

Guy: "Don't worry. I'm about to cum . . . oh . . . (smack) . . . bullseye bitch!!"

by Crazy Irish Mike May 3, 2006

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trishot bullseye

lay down a girl, and simultaneously shit on her chest, jizz on her face, and throw up all over her. youve just performed the trishot bullseye.

some 2nd grader looked at me wrong, so i gave the bitch the trishot bullseye. thats why i can never go back to being a teacher.

by ballcuzzi April 21, 2005

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hit the bullseye

When you think someone is gay and then your suspicions get confirmed

I saw this girl and my gaydar pinged. Then i started speaking to her and said she had a girlfriend, I hit the bullseye

by Too cool and too gay July 8, 2018

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Tennessee bullseye

Where you take a fat moist lip of dip, lay her down on her back with her knees to her chest. Round up a good dip loogie and spit it straight into her asshole then proceed to use it as lube.

Man we were just sitting there and my woman said, "let's try something new and kinky" so I agreed and gave her a Tennessee bullseye.

by Unclefukker February 20, 2020

Chocolate Bullseye

The act of pulling ones penis out of their lovers anus and smearing a circle of feces around their butt hole.

Damn dude after ramming her in the ass I gave that ho a chocolate bullseye! It was awesome!

by Zexy B March 10, 2011

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key west bullseye

Aka: Goatee; A pattern of facial hair on a homosexual male, forming a circular targetoid shape around the mouth. Origin in key west in the late 80's.

Mahal: Hey greg, you know sandy and her cousin kenny?

Greg: She has a lot of cousins- which one is he?

Mahal: He's that 40 year old dude with the old used corvette and a key west bullseye.

Greg: Oh yeah- that guy- I know exactly who you are talking about.

by schmuckaneers June 4, 2009

San Francisco bullseye

1. A goatee, small beard framing a man's mouth.
2. Beard hair making a bullseye for your gay lovers manhood.

I had a goatee for years until it became the international sign for a San Francisco bullseye. You'd have to be gay or an engineer to still be wearing one...

by Bud E Love May 5, 2003

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