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candidate abandonment

The loss of campaign staff, donor money and political support that comes from numerous primary losses. The candidate eventually must suspend his or her campaign due to lack of resources. candidate, election, campaign staff, campaign, campaigning, politics, politician, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Third Party, staffers, interns, President, Vice President, Congress, House of Representatives, Senate, State Senate, State House, Congressional districts, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, political pundits

I can't believe that after 14 months of campaigning, we have so much candidate abandonment to our opponent. Yes, he's won every state, but the next states were looking good for us.

by joecoolthefool March 20, 2016

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woman's candidate

A male who is cute, sexy, fine or otherwise considered attractive, but not a guy you would snatch up like a kidnapper.

This could be because you aren't sure he's the one you want yet, or because you do not chase men.

Kayla: Damn he's hot

Carla: Go getcha man girl

Kayla: Well I don't chase men cuz they chase me lol

Carla: Aw so he just a woman's candidate

Kayla: Yea exactly

by Optical_Epilepsy May 9, 2011

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Tea Party Candidate

n. A wannabe politician who is an unemployed tax dead beat who performs witchcraft and earns money through farm subsidies in Minnesota.

Michelle is running for Congress, she says the government spends too much money, but she has a "farm" that gets paid to grow nothing. Now she wants a highly paying gig as a congresswoman. I thought she hated government, she must be a Tea Party Candidate.

by rebirth of keynes October 6, 2010

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Losing Candidate Denial

The condition where people refuse to remove a bumper sticker that displays their losing Presidential Candidate choice.

Look at that fool, he STILL has THREE McCain/Palin bumper stickers on his car's ass. Talk about a serious case of Losing Candidate Denial.

by renoryn January 7, 2009

Raw Dog Candidate

An upstanding girl who you could have unprotected sex with because it seems very unlikely she would have an STD.

Emily was a raw dog candidate, or RDC. She recently passed an STD test, takes birth control diligently, got her vaccines, and is definitely not a slut.

by Vaginal McPube December 18, 2010

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Manchurian Candidate

An highly influential official or politician who has been placed in her/his position by a foreign power with a view to influencing or even dominate another nation.

Many people in the US and Europe now see president Trump as a Manchurian Candidate placed in his position by Putin and under the secret command of the Russian president and his power clique.

by Wryface July 12, 2017

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Right lane candidate

moving slower than the rest; slow driver in the fast lane; slow to understand

"Dude, you are a right lane candidate"

by CKMP December 29, 2007