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Someone who skipped biology class.

Pro-choice people have no understanding of the meaning of life in scientific terms.

by The Mannequin July 13, 2022

134👍 8👎

pro-choice vegetarian

Someone who abstains from meat consumption and does not believe in coercing others to do the same.

"Don't worry, guys. I'm a pro-choice vegetarian, you can eat steaks in peace while I'll have a salad."

by AbnormalBoy May 25, 2004

46👍 12👎

Pro Choice

Is a group of people who are convinced that it is ok to kill a child in the womb. They think you have the right to kill as long as it is in your body. Most also think that the baby is a parasite and not a human. They think abortion should be legalized for any reason and any time.

Pro Choice :My Body My choice
Pro choice: Abortion is HealthCare

Pro Choice: yes i had unprotected sex but i don't want the child
Pro-Choice: Clump of Cells

by DontTakePhotosOfMe November 23, 2021

314👍 13👎

Choice Pro

A person who has exercised their right to choose abortion enough times to be considered a true expert.

If you need to reach out to someone to guide you through your clinic visit, try Elma, she is a real Choice Pro.

by Don't use your real name.your July 12, 2023


A hypocritical left wing ideology that based upon the principle of "my body, my choice." Seems as well until you realize it only applies to abortion rights. The same hypocrites who cry for control of their bodies, do a complete 180 when they see someone who is not vaccinated or wearing a mask.

Pro-choice person: Why aren't you wearing your mask?

Principled Libertarian: Because Its MY body and My Choice, buddy!

by EPICblogspot January 26, 2023

16👍 2👎