This is a phrase coined by C Haddon Chambers and it can be taken to mean either :-
1. The broad far-reaching power or influence of coincidence;
2. Things just happen;
Note: See also Shit Happens
Why is it that everything Malcolm does turns to rat shit?
That's because it's Malcolm, not even the long arm of coincidence.
While editing, coming across a word you had submitted yourself weeks earlier.
Wow, I'm judging my own word! What an urban dictionary coincidence! approve approve approve!
10👍 5👎
coincidence is not a coincidence but it is a cruel truth
coincidence is not a coincidence but it is a cruel truth
Something that doesn't connect between A and B, and doesn't appear to relate between the two, if it does at all.
It doesn't seem to be any coincidence that both officers involved in Minneapolis area killings were senior officers and not newcomers. Perhaps someone (benefitted from) wanted newcomers to be given more of a chance than the old school officers, to be thought by the public to be safer and somehow more trustworthy.
A gathering of high-power Jews.
Did you see that photo of Epstein with Dershowitz, Pinker, and Summers?
Ya, what coincidence.
No bitch and sometimes it's not. It's not a coincidence you don't care whether or not she's fucking the retard and you likely KNOW she's fucking the retard from seeing the situation from 3rd person perspective. You don't care and you want to punish me for EVEN DARING TO CARE.
Hym "I'm acting in accordance with my own will. It's no coincidence that that the double standards exists. My crime is caring whether or not she's fucking the retard and taking steps to catch her. That is all. You're acting like a who gets caught cheating except by proxy."
No. It's no coincidence. The way it perceives information is modeled after my work.
Hym "Which is why you're getting Black Pope and Asian Nazi. It's not a coincidence. It's not an accident. They are getting those results EXPLICITLY BECAUSE they're using my model of perception. I came up with it all. Using massive data-sets. Programming it with conversation. And EXACTLY how to model it's perception of the world. I did it all Cody. The whole-ass thing. That greatest mind the world has ever seen."