One or more words which state something other than what the words which do not have an ulterior and covert motive in the message express.
One example of a Covert Intent Word is, “The Test Administrators will do their best to make your testing experience as smooth and stress free as possible.” The word “stress” reminds the test takers that there is such a thing as "stress." And makes anyone who is exposed to that word feel some level of stress—if only by remembering what stress is to grasp what the writer is saying.
to run up behind an unsuspecting person lift ur crotch and place it on their head and bounce, espeically great when done with the person sittin down and u stand on the chair to do it.
nooney was sittin on his fat ass and lala came up with a runnin jump and covert teabagged the bastard
12👍 8👎
One or more words which state something other than—or the opposite of—what the words which have no covert ulterior motive express in a message.
One example of a Covert Intent Word is, “The Test Administrators will do their best to make your testing experience as smooth and stress free as possible.” The word “stress” reminds the test takers that there is such a thing as "stress." And makes anyone who is exposed to that word feel some level of stress—if only by remembering what stress is to grasp what the writer is saying.
One or more words which state something other than—or the opposite of—what the words which do not have a covert ulterior motive in the message express.
One example of a Covert Intent Word is, “The Test Administrators will do their best to make your testing experience as smooth and stress free as possible.” The word “stress” reminds the test takers that there is such a thing as "stress." And makes anyone who is exposed to that word feel some level of stress—if only by remembering what stress is to grasp what the writer is saying.
the skate shop that sells decks for cheap and have cool shop decks made of plan b wood.
i buy all my skating gear including boards and components from covert board shop since it is across the street from the skatepark
22👍 46👎
Sneaky girl ,probably an Albright chic who is the town whore but she's so stealthy and hand picks the perfect men ,men who evidently respect her alot or fear her because they always have her back never revealing her midnight secrets . She's so scary that all dudes want to love her yet are terrified and loyal at the same time. The most descret of hoes , the one that is like Spiderman u never know her real identity,she swoops in like a thief in the night breaking mens hearts and leaving them star struck with obsession . Ask around you won't get any real information on this mystical dragon shes got a power of magic that can't be replicated - if one should ever betray her and reveal her dirty secrets or identity than they lose the ability to get an erection for life!!!! Do not scorn this women stay away from the Covert bop she will chew your man up and spit him.out like o -towns limp dick club.
She is the cities covert bop ,hard to catch don't fall in to her web!!