the art of craft shopping and drinking along the way
Start "crinking" in small towns outside of your area and "crink" your way home. Of course you will be too "crunk" to drive so you will take a "crab ride" home.
Denominalized form of the acronym "CRINK", as "China, Russia, Iran, North Korea".
Despite the acronym is used in a negative meaning, the verb form is utilized in an ironic manner on the internet, to vouch support for the aformentioned "rogue states"
Wrinkles with a specific sagginess to them. Defined and yet flaccid, a common feature of your local Gimp.
"Did you see Gimp the other day?"
"Yes, he had loads of Crink Lines"
A mythical and powerful street drug from China made of cellphone factory waste and the rare earth element, Chinesium.
Yep, she’s clearly a crink head. So sad really.
Acronym to collectively describe "China, Russia, Iran, North Korea"
The USA is directing its foreign policy against the CRINK axis
Acronym used to collectively denominate "China, Russia, Iran, North Korea". It was proposed by western journalists to represent the new "evil axis" against which the USA foreign policy should be directed
The USA must act against the CRINK axis
Når man oppfører seg på en måte som er klein og ikke skjønner det selv
Venn: Fy faen se på Torkil! Hva faen driver han med?
Venn 2: Ja vet han er faenmeg definisjonen på Crink.