Source Code


1) Excrement/a turd
2) Act of defecation

Used in film "Three Men and a Baby" - probably pre-dates the film as similar to doo-doo/dooey/doodie etc

"You realise she did a doodle?" prior to nappy-changing scene in film

by su france June 12, 2004

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the doodle

Yankee Doodles:
a sports bar in Santa Monica, CA.
on the 3rd st promonade
billiards, food, booze, and foozeball
ask for Sabrina!!!

in conversation:
-yo, you tryin' ta chill at the doodle tonight?
-nah, that Sabrina chick is wack, I'm goin ta Q's

as a statement:
Brad is the big pimp at the doodle

by big pimp November 20, 2003

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A term of endearment for a perilously fair golden haired girl who can always make you smile.

by Anonymous March 4, 2003

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see wordcockword

your doodle is mighty small!

by concerned mother July 9, 2002

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sexy beautiful crow
has cult for it
not jashin
has mercy on everyone (except jashin worshippers)

doodle is better than jashin

by gayrate January 21, 2021

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a name you call someone when you have nothing else to call them.
it is also a small object that is nothing

Hey Andy, your such a doodle.

Do you have any spare doodles i can borrow?

by Ariella K July 11, 2008

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To have sex with, Make love to

Did an enormous amount of drugs.
Joined an ashram.
Doodled Grandma
(from the movie Rumor Has It)

by Mogazza January 14, 2006

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