Source Code

hardware download

Stealing electronics.
Preferably taken from a computer lab.

Where did you get that monitor?

Hardware Download

by Keja August 7, 2008

Downloader's Cut

A film you get by P2P which has obvious signs of having been tweaked, have changed formats several times and it's lost all of the technical qualities.

John: "Wow she didn't finished talking and the film jumped ahead!"
Mary: "Yes, it's a downloader's cut edition!!!"

by Xavier Plagaro April 15, 2008

download a brownload

means you are going to take a crap.

I'll be back in a few, I've gotta go DOWNLOAD A BROWNLOAD.

"Hey, can you pull over at the next rest area, I NEED TO DOWNLOAD A BROWNLOAD"

common responses from others that hear the phrase said:

does that generate a large log file?
what is your download speed?
so is that a broad band connection? baa ha ha ha ha!!!
dude, be carefull not to let that turn into a core dump!
dont forget to wipe
Who is your ISP?

by BOOGIEMANN May 2, 2005

60๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Download a brownload

The act of unleashing a massive shit on some poor unsuspecting toilet.

Jim: Where did cletus go?

Bertha: He ran off to the bathroom, said something about having to download a brownload.

by Big booty bertha rex October 18, 2015

youtube downloader

download music videos and music for free its the shit if you dont feel like paying $1.00 at itunes for it plus it also lets you download videos from any other site just letn ppl know

guy 1: hey man i got u a 15$ giftcard to itunes

guy 2: wtf itunes??? *kicks guy 1 in the balls then says "cool ppl use youtube downloader" *casually walks away*

by Tacowbell June 30, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

binge downloading

Downloading many, many albums, movies etc. when you realise it's the end of the month and you want your month's worth of downloading. Usually done so the rest of the month has Broadband-speed internet.

"Any albums you want while I'm binge downloading?"

by psychedelic_fuzz June 2, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

file download

When you need to hit the toilet most likely a big #2

Tami: wow Im stuffed! Cant eat another bite..
Gina: yea that was some good sushi
Tami: G, Ill be back Ive gotta go do a File Download

****Moments /mins later***
Tami returns.
Gina: So how'd it go?
Tami: lets order some more sushi!

by The.Sniper June 7, 2016