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Hey, what's that fat woman with the side shaved hair doing yelling at every man she sees?

That, my friend, is a feminist. Also known as Trash. The reason why she's yelling at every man is because most woman who think we need feminism are incredibly sexist against men.

by Doggosamirite December 20, 2016

100๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


Was originally a good idea but now has changed into a hate group that spreads false statistics and propaganda


-like going to prison for 14 years for yelling at your wife
-"Men can't get raped"
-being labeled as a rapest for having sex with a drunk girl

by Chumley69 December 20, 2014

171๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž


the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes*.
*merriam-webster dictionary

Feminism is about equality. Men and women pay the same in college tuition costs. It doesn't make sense that once we leave college and get the same job that women should make 75-cents for every dollar men make*.
*from U.S. Census Bureau

by carolina blue March 2, 2010

40640๐Ÿ‘ 39398๐Ÿ‘Ž


What women think is gender equality, but is actually just trying to downgrade men.

People who believe in feminism are crazy

by melonismynamebytheway May 18, 2020

54๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Thinly veiled masadism

Girl 1:"we should kill all men!"

Girl 2:"yassss feminist icon"


by Vanillabryce08 May 13, 2021

37๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Feminism is a movement started by old faggot hags on their period.
Feminists strive for dominance, not equality.

Feminism in a nutshell.

by IDon'tEven June 21, 2014

124๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


In theory: Social Movement for Equal Rights.

In practice: Social Movement for Women Privilege.

Feminism can't be criticized within reason because you're automatically sexist, misogynist and are performing hate speech, even if what you're saying makes sense.

Most feminists you'll encunter are unreasonable. They have a shield and are in defence mode. It doesn't matter what you say, you might as well point out all the inconsistencies of feminism in the world, their way of arguing is by ignoring all your points and stating or even shouting their worldview because "they are right".

Another reason why you can't reason with feminists is because it's not just ignorance but deliberate ignorance. Any feminist who would have wanted to see the truth for herself could have just googled the other side of the argument and she would have seen:
- While males don't have as much privilege as feminism states.
- Bad things feminism has done making the world an even more inequal place.
- Feminism's worldview is inaccurate and sexist.

It is important to notice that not all feminists are bad, only the majority of them are.
It is also important to notice that not all women are feminists, dispite of feminism worldview that a non-feminists woman is a victim of the patriarchy, they are just women with reason. One must only google image "I don't need feminism" to see it.

As the maker of this I might be labeled by feminists as a sexist, a women hater and stuff like that. Feminists love labels.

- Feminism fights for equal rights!

- If feminism is for equal rights, then why has feminism tried to ban peeing while standing up in Sweden or fought against female rapists being arrested, charged and convicted of rape, in India ?

- Those are feminazi, bad apples, not feminists!

- But I see them all the time, pretty much all "feminists" I see are feminazi while there's only a handful of good feminists that have little influence compared to what you would call feminazi.... And the "patriarchy"... where males have unearned privilege and all the rights they need is not even backed up by anything, workplace death is 9-1 to men, worse sentence for the same crime is 20-1 to men, homeless ratio is 4-1 to men, winner of child custody is 5-1 to women, not to mention that women can decide alone whether they want to do an abortion if they don't want the child even if it's the men's child too, but if the man doesn't want the child and the woman does he still has to pay alimony, men can't get as much as women with good looks either, where is our privilege ?


Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings too.
Yes, we know they are. But that's not what feminism is about.

Anti-feminism is the radical notion that by taking men's rights you don't make equality.

- I don't like feminism.
- You're a women hater, sexist, alt-righter, wicked person.

by Areasonableperson June 23, 2016

27๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž