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Goodwill Gucci

When a person wear clothes they cannot afford or wear used clothes or knock-offs.

You see Ryan's Jordan's? Maaaaannn! Ryan got that Goodwill Gucci!

by Regulus Nebula May 26, 2015

Goodwill Fashionista

People who go to Goodwill for cheap clothes, sometimes editing them (cutting, tie-dyeing, etc.) and make really cute, fashionable outfits out of them.

Jenna: Ashley that tie-dye tank top is ADORABLE! Where'd you get it?!
Ashley: Oh this? It was a buck at Goodwill and then I tie-dyed it. I guess I'm just a Goodwill Fashionista.

by Animeash August 17, 2011

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goodwill dick

a.k.a. 501(c)3 dick/ass/head : a sexual favor you give to ugly mofos as a "charitable contribution", sometimes out of pity or under duress.

I am sorry, bro. You are not that cute. I have given all the goodwill dick I am allowed to give out for this year. Come back after Dec. 31st.

by afatblackdude July 11, 2012

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goodwill friends

are "friends" that you acquire while,usually intoxicated. These "friends" are usually alone at the bar, because their friends forgot they were there and you feel the need to befriend them.

Kristin "So I picked up two new friends at the bar last night. I met a girl and she followed me to the other bar where I met this guy."

Hoke " So you made Goodwill friends!?"

by Makn'Friends1Sht@aTime! August 11, 2010

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GoodWill Slut

A person who always donates to Goodwill 24/7.
Preferably a do gooder.

Yo, I heard a woman named Taylor just donated 50 stuffed animals to Goodwill in 2 days!

She's definitely a Goodwill slut.

by MoldyPeanut November 26, 2016

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Goodwill baby

Some one who buys and wears cheap/trashy clothes

you're such a goodwill baby buy some nike bro

by Mason.H November 8, 2017

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Aniyah Goodwill

If not the best, the most loving and adorable girl living. She is never shy to step out into the face of danger to support her family or deliver her sister from her enemies. She is never afraid to stand up for her friends or give them a loving embrace. Aniyah is one of the most compassionate and innocently crafted women alive. Her innocence shines like a loving sun giving you a warm hug. She never wrongs you.

Look!! It's Aniyah Goodwill!! Haven't I heard your name before?
Man, have you heard of Aniyah Goodwill...? I heard she's gonna become famous one day!!

by hehehehaahahhaakromer November 22, 2022