Le gusta - is a term used when two people have intermediate touching in the sex genitals :)
“I heard that they were having le gusta in the dumpster.”
“Wanna Le Gusta?”
Gusta Jawja no A needed .!…. Augusta Georgia 706 Damn sho ‘ not Atlanta
I’m from Gusta Jawja home nothing like the A
A Spanish translation of the famous line in the Bee Movie: "Ya like jazz?"
Often used by masters of the Spanish language.
Can convince anyone in to following you or destroy them by the power of memular radiation
Person 1: Te gusta el jazz?
Person 2: *Dies from overexposure to memular gravity*
is that a fat Baka juicy me gusta grande pepionois Canadian sausage
A species of dog that reigned in the late 1000's which had conquered most of Eastern and Central Europe. The Gustas tend to be bilingual, speaking a range of Spanish, to Czech to English to German. The Gustas observed a dictatorship which followed (in their prophecy) a master. Scientifically speaking, a master observes a gene called AOD1, which the Gustas can smell. Once aware of the gene in a human (which occurs 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 people) they name him there master.(only one case has beenof this gene its carrier was lenin)
guys watch out the nazi doggo gustas is coming!!!
The word to describe a super like on social media or a dating site. A super gusta is used when someone wants to show legit support or tell someone they are cool or awesome.
That video was legit. I just gave it a super gusta.
Did you see how many super gustas my vaca pic got?