When your so hungry that you become angry
Josh's friends could tell that he was hangry, considering he has only watched Shane Dawson all day.
hungry while being angry at the same time
After the long walk, Joe was very hangry.
Hangry is the breaking point where the need for food, or hunger, changes one's personality of a happy and joyous disposition to an angry and hostile disposition
I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, and now I'm just so hangry that I just want to punch something.
Infuriated and starving. A mood usually resulting in the usage of snide remarks and regretful statements.
“Mum! I wanna go home!” Jimmothy cried out, visibly quaking with a shocking amount of rage,
“Sorry” ‘Mum’ states as she turns around to Jimmothy’s friend Roberto “he is just a little hangry at the moment”
Me: So hungry that you're literally grouchy. Go on, have my sandwich, you'll calm down soon enough
You: *Angrily mangles my grilled cheese sandwich
I want lunch so badly, it's making me hangry
This is the word that your girlfriend says everytime she is hungry even though she has just eaten 2 minutes before. She will repeat this until you bring her your own stash of food.
I'm hangryyyyy.
Whenever You are Angry because you are Hungry
Quick get some food Roberto is Hangry