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The girl who goes to your school and looks like a man and steals your man when he’s drunk and high and then the guy gets called gay because he did stuff with a man then sends nudes to every guy even tho they don’t want them and somewhere gets dick but only the super horny desperate ones

Why did u break up with him? He cheated on me with the hulk

Oh shit it’s the hulk


Why does everyone call him gay??
He got hulk smashed

by Ihatethehulk2868 June 13, 2019

The Hulk

Most boring movie ever made.

"I'd rather commit suicide than watch this garbage"

"The Hulk should be banned from every nation on earth forever"

by FrodoBagginz September 25, 2008

53πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

The Hulk

(Or Hulked) Whist having intercourse, flatulate on the women's face, thus turning it green, then penetrate her anus with your fist making her tense and scream.

The Hulk is a very sneaky move that people think is dirty but Jake quite enjoys doing the occasional Hulk

by chrisprestjim June 1, 2012

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The coolest goon of them all.

Hulk is a goon.

by Lamergoon February 16, 2004

22πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


in other words, a big chumsy, usually bashes through walls and throws ladders at peoples faces... has major rage problems, gets very angry when you take his most precious foods (anything eatable.

Wow, daniel is a definate hulk, look at him bashing through the walls of that buffet.

by AklazarGIVESblastcocks September 26, 2003

14πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


v. to hulk someone is to crush what ever the other person is holding and kick them in the chin really hard like Hulk did to Cable in the Onslaught series

Man she's so annoying i'm bout to Hulk that bitch

by urmomlover July 29, 2008

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An alcoholic beverage made up of Sunny D and UV Blue. Turns green like the Hulk when mixed and has enough sugar to produce a massively strong hang over.

Dude, you drinking hulk?

by SAE OU December 16, 2009

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž