Source Code

Jibba Jabba

('jib-uh jab-uh')

noun: A long-winded dialogue full of bullshit and rhetoric. Often spoken by Mr.T when he wishes you to shut the fuck up.

Quit yo jibba jabba, sucka!

by Chad Vincent June 24, 2003

520๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jabba the Hut

a character off of star wars, an immensely obese character who catches leia, ties her up and "tries" dirty things...none of which succeed b/c...he's so fucking fat. also a term used for huge lardous people.

kid #1: your girlfriend is such a jabba the hut.
kid #2: yeah...but i love her. but sometimes it's hard to fornicate.
kid #1: ...

by Kim L'Amour October 2, 2006

56๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jabba Job

When a morbidly obese man receives a blow job while eating immense quantities of food.

Dude, I heard that Jack Black's wife gave him a Jabba Job while he was pounding a Crave Case!

by House Of Whacks October 27, 2011

Jabba the cunt

David Ibbertson the cowardly backstabbing piece of shit that is Jabba's double

You know jabba the cunt is about the ground is shaking

by LushBeanstalk June 5, 2021

Jabba the Slut

An obese tramp who looks like a clown due to too much makeup and hair dye.

She should invest in a nose job to attempt to look like the beastly version of her hot sister, instead of the Down Syndrome step-child.

At least now her husband has some titties to fuck. No doubt it's tighter in between them than both her ass and cunt combined.

If we could find that soiled beef curtain amongst her lard thighs, we would use it as a petri dish for all venereal diseases.

When the world needs a reminder of her, we'll stick motherfucking provolone in our socks at night, so they smell like her crotch in the morning.

Your body went from Princess Lay-ya to Jabba the Slut.

by I_Hate_Tami March 23, 2011

46๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jabba the Hut

A man or woman with many chins.

Damn, she's Jabba the Hut. She has no neck!

by GreenMonter March 25, 2005

97๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A no name person that gets thrown around wrestling rings. Usually a town local.

Undertaker just threw that jabba around like nothing.

by Kris The Blu August 4, 2005

2๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž