Animated series featuring Jackie Chan in a series of fictional adventures, aided by his fictious neice Jade Chan and his uncle "Uncle", he fights the forces of evil and collects various artifacts over various seasons to prevent them falling into cruel hands.
The highly respected series took a downward spiral in Season Three when the plots were all re-hashed and Jade became an annoying bitch.
Jackie Chan Adventures season three featured Jackie trying to gather animals infected with the mystical energies of magic Talismans.
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When your computer is going extremely laggy while watching videos or playing games
*while watching a video* Damn Jonathan that's a mean case of laggy Jackie Chan
Refers to the sounds trunks make when they have subs in them, as if Jackie Chan is in the trunk doing karate inside. Came from the Young Dro song "Man In The Trunk".
"That bass is bumpin'...what you got in the trunk?"
"Jackie Chan in the trunk!"
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Possibly the most badass Asian man in the modern history of the world.
Also a Cantopop star, an actor, a stuntman and a loving father.
Bet you didn't see that coming?
Malcolm: Who's your favorite actor?
Jake: Jackie Chan.
Malcolm: He's my favorite star too!
Jake: Hell yeah!
(And that's how they became best friends.)
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Hey did you see PSY hug his fans? Jackie Chan hugs can be so inspirational.
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When Seth told his wife that he hadn't done anything except Jackie Chan while she was away, she could have no idea what he really meant by it.
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When a creative team run of quality and/or relevant ideas and instead resort to abstraction. Similar to the term Jump-the-shark, going 'Apple Jackie Chan' is a point of no return for as future output, which afterward consists of disconnected nonsense.
Wow, this TV show really went Apple Jackie Chan real fast. It makes no sense anymore!