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A guy who never will let you down. A few words to describe him, honest, shy, bright, lacks confidence. He will always be there to help you and looks at things more in a positive light. Typically most Jordans take pride in their work, and are quite optimistic.

Oh man, I had a fun time with Jordan last night

by NippleringBitch March 2, 2019


One of the best friends you’ll ever make.
At first he’ll act really shy and quiet but sooner or later you’ll forget that part of him even existed. :))
He’s really talented, even though he doesn’t believe it ;)
He stands up for his friends and doesn’t take anyone’s shit.
But that’s what he’s loved for.

“I’m so glad Jordan is my friend”

by Kayla0426 December 29, 2018


A sacred religion which all shall hail the mighty one name "Jordan" and worship the ground he stands upon. If you do not obey him you will perish in the fiery ashes of hell with the other nonbelievers.

Guy #1: Hey you wanna go to church tomorrow?
Guy#2: Sorry, I am apart of Jordanism, so I can't attend!

by ThatDankFart2 August 14, 2017


Some one who is really special in your life. You have known him since you were just a kid. And have always been in love with him. You sit there and watch girls go bye with him but never have the guts to go up to him and tell him how you feel. This is someone you don't wont to loss, keep him forever. Next time you see Jordan, tell him how you feel. You never know, he may feel the same. I was to late, and now he's gone forever. Don't make a mistake like I did. GO GET HIM GIRL!!!

Love Fight Loss Jordan

by SecretLover1996 December 6, 2010

57👍 15👎


(girl definition)
She's just great, smart, funny, probably good at dancing too. She will not accept compliments because growing up she was bullied badly, probably by one of her closest friends too. She's sensitive and understanding, the perfect shoulder to cry on. She romanticizes nearly everything, but that isn't all that bad. she tries really hard in school even though she's prone to procrastinate. She tries her hardest to be a leader but usually falls back, unless she's really frustrated by something.

She should've been named "Jordan", she's too sweet

that's definitely a "Jordan"

by jesunkim June 21, 2019

30👍 7👎


n. A type of dingleberry, still wet with Santorum, dangling from a freshly harvested McConnell (for the uninitiated, a McConnell is a special, turtle-head shaped butt plug—see full definition herein).

Much to Mister Nunes’s dismay, the McConnell he wanted to deal with his latest emergency was still dripping with Jordans from his previous engagement, and Ryan didn’t have a fresh one to spare.

by ciabrat November 22, 2019

50👍 12👎


Kind-hearted, loving, thoughful person. Tall, dark and handsome! Deep brown eyes that melt the heart. Sarcastic. Stubborn. Determined. Hard worker. Takes the world on his shoulders. Very independent. Mysterious personality. Shy to strangers. Privelage to be his family or close friend.

Stranger: Who is Jordan?
Jess: The love of my life.

by J. Seeley July 25, 2011

55👍 15👎