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Julia is #datbitch from hell cuz theres no remorse in cuttin ppl out if you ever do her wrong. Ok, maybe 20% Idk she's busy diddling her skittle to care.

Take 2. Julia is the type of person u'll find when ur at the end of ur rope. Why ur both on a rope?? but she'll chat w/you all night if ur down on luck and can't sleep. (CBD gummies help, kids)

She'll help u exorcise ur demons but expects u to do the hard work, as she cannot do this for u. She makes a lot of sacrifices for lil in return but doesn't feel lack in any way to make u happy. #unintentionalinnuendo? #freud

She can be a lone wolf sometimes cuz she’s exhausted by opportunistic vultures who call her a two-face bitch when the same hypocrites can no longer reap reactions from her. Also, let's not distort facts: If a Julia never got to hung out w/you in person, ur not exactly her friend she's ditched. Don't expect her to pay attention or approach ur ass if u blocked her, attempted to pull one over her, or repeatedly made subtle jabs at her. #nosoftdildosplz

Ppl imagine the worst about Julia cuz they're just not in her life & end up taking things so personally. A trip planned months ago = "surprise setup". A selfie = proof of her as a sexually deviant wanton. You ppl WISHED ur salmon & steak dinner wooed u like a sexual deviant wanton.

But nah. It's just easier to say, Oh that Julia what a two face. One that launches a thousand ships in my heart and another that makes me rage with erectile projections! ARGGG!

Julia: So can a bitch just exists? Because some of this stuff wasn't in the job description, Lucy. WELL??? CAN I??? BUELLER???

by havewemetbeforecuz November 17, 2019

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A name commonly used for girls. Most Julia's are really sweet and nice, always being sensitive towards others feelings. Can be very shy when first met, but once you open up to her, she is the life of the party and has an amazing sense of humor! Usually has flawless skin and a beautiful face that can light up a room. Julia's are commonly very artistic and amazing dancers, actresses and singers. Almost always top notch at sports! Has a great sense of style and beautiful hair. A natural leader who attracts hot guys without even trying and makes great new friends easily. Julia's are always loyal to friends, but sometimes can't help but gossip about them every so often! Though sometimes easily irritable, she won't show it unless she wants to. Gorgeous body, huge boobs and a nice butt that leaves men wanting more! The definition of a perfect girlfriend. The envy of all girls. Try getting to know a Julia sometime, you won't regret it!

Wow! did you see that sexy girl over there? she HAS to be a julia.

by bigmomma1995 November 27, 2011

97πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Julia is one of the most beautiful people you will ever know. Not only is she absolutely gorgeous, but she also is very intelligent. She’s a goddess at math and knows a bunch of random facts about science.
Julia should be a poet too, considering how incredible her work is.
This amazing human cares so much for other people and wouldn’t even hurt a fly. She cares deeply for the environment and loves nature, which shows how her kindness radiates. She is truly iconic. She listens to rock music and plays PC games in her free time.
Whomever she is with should be thankful for her presence.

Joy: β€œDid you see that girl today?”
Craig: Oh, Julia? She’s a piece of art.

by joylovesoreos May 3, 2019


Julia is a scary bitch.she loves getting in touch with her depressed and demonic side. She has many friends but is always alone . Her friends aren’t up to her standards so she makes some up in her head.

I saw a Julia whilst having sleep paralysis at 3 am.

by Theghees09 April 16, 2020

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Julias are people that love everybody and are loved by everyone. they are very artistic and express their feelings to people they love and can trust. they love to draw read and dance when no one is watching. they care a lot about fashion and clothes but are very unique and love to stand out and be different. they are very hot cut and sexy so you have to be careful with them. they are very sensitive when it comes to people but they are very strong and tough and do not care what people say or think. they are extremely good friends with everyone. they are brave courageous and bold and they will do anything. they are also attracted to boys named Joel. But more than anything they are extremely hot friendly and sexy they are the best people to know.

Julias are so hot and nice:
omg i met this girl that was the biggest julia ever!!!!!!

by julialover<3 March 27, 2008

3833πŸ‘ 1573πŸ‘Ž


Julia is a nice caring friend. Julia will always try and be there for her besties. Julia may be a little short but that wont stop them. Julia's arent usually athletic, but if they are, they are the best! Julia loves to read and makes really good grades. Julia trys her hardest and doesnt quit easily. Julia is also a good dancer. Julia's can be religious and try and get her friends to come to church with her. She will succeed in life because of the people around her, her decisions, and her mind. Julia is one of the greatest people you will ever meet!

that girl is good at dancing, she must be a julia!

by kittycat15 March 21, 2012

65πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Humility despite obvious giftedness.

That girl is so sweet, kind, unforgettable, sexy, compassionate, alluring, smart, and flawless. Only she never seems to notice that she is so great! She must be Julia, who else could stand to be so wonderful and not advertise?

by THE REAL JULIA November 28, 2005

2286πŸ‘ 1015πŸ‘Ž