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Know That

to acknowledge ones words or actions, or to inform someone of their new discoveries

Michael-Did you really give her the Angry Dragon?
Ty-Know That!

by thetyty December 12, 2010

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Just another way of saying no.

Can she go? I, er, know.
P.S. Don’t accept know for an answer.

by Hercolena Oliver April 17, 2009

8πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

you know that i know that you know that i know

When you and/or your friend type something in a group chat that is related to something only you two know so you send the you know that i know that you know that i know and confuses everyone else

Friend 1: has crush on John

*in le group chat*
Friend 1: why the hell is John's name in there
Friend 2: you know that i know that you know that i know
Friend 1: ahh yes
Everyone else: i am confusion

by RapoloMan January 10, 2020

know nothing know it all

A person who knows nothing about most topics they chime in on in conversation. This person will be 16 years old with zero experience about farming and tell a farmer about crop rotation. This person will tell a European car technician what's wrong with their car, refuse to pay diagnosis, because they used to work at Chevy in the 80s, and then bitches when the car isn't fixed.

Rather than listening and increasing their knowledge they insist to run their mouth to the point where everybody is annoyed.

Tim actually gave advice to Matt Damon about how to play Jason Bourne better? What a fucking know nothing know it all.

by Maiorani January 1, 2017

you know, i know

When you say this line with another person, it's 100% certain that you both are inlove with each other.

you know, i know

jimin: you know
yoongi: i know

In conlusion, yoonmin married.

by yoonmignon May 29, 2020

If You Know, You Know

1. A Concise phrase, where the context of the matter doesn't need to be explained. Usually said to someone out of the loop/ not up to date/ is not aware.

2. Having knowledge or being aware of something especially through personal experience.

3. Street Smarts

4. Being Cognizant

Person 1:

What was that about?
What were they talking about?
Is that true?
How do you know THAT?
Person 2:

Don't worry about it. If you know, you know.

by LinguisticsOfTime March 18, 2020

142πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

If you know, you know

The defining phrase of an inside joke/access to information only a select few know about

You see your mate's laptop screen saver is a naked girl, but her face is covered , you know who it is, but others don't- you post it on your snapchat and put "....'s screensaver, if you know, you know"

by Resting peace August 29, 2015

360πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž