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kelsi is an outgoing person, but when you get to know her she grows on to you. most people love her while others are jealous, and very few hate her. she doesn't try to fit in. she is herself and that's what people like about her. she has trouble when it comes to boys because she has the biggest heart and no one to share it with. she gets taken for granted by them, but hopefully she will find a guy with a loving heart. she has very few relationships through out her life, but is the most gorgeous person. she is insecure at times about herself, but has those bestfriends to make it all better. she wants attention, but not in a bad way. she wants to fall for someone, but only one not multiple. she has secret admirers who never say who they are because they are too nervous. her smile and laugh bring joy to the people around her. if you fall in love with her remember how special she is because she wants nothing more than to be loved.

if you ever fall for a kelsi treat her well.

by flo diego April 8, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cute , funny , bad ass girls who enjoy having fun. Adventurous usually smokers. Very bad attitude but biggest sweetheart you could possibly meet likes to party usually have long brown hair and very short

Shes a kelsy.

by She100 May 18, 2014

47๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful girl who will make you smile and die laughing. She has a best friend named Adriana. And both day is October 23. She is an amazing friend who wants to be a teacher. She dreams of being a mother and want to make people happy. She is the sun to adrianas moon and will make you feel better. She can not look at some one cry and not cry herself. She is shy to strangers. But when she is near her friends she lets her personality fly and spreads her wings! If you find a rare Kelsy like this, don't let her go.

Kelsy is amazing!

by Dat_one_potato October 24, 2018


The most beautifulest girlfriend ever and so wonderful, and has a boyfriend who is very very lucky to have her and who loves her so very much, her smile is to die for her laugh is the cutest thing ever

beautiful presley awsome smile laugh adorable kelsie kelso

by ;hjdfshj'k';hgkfsd December 5, 2010

307๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž


Possibly the coolest girl you'll ever meet. Usually a tough, unique, people hating, god mocking, music loving rebel who only cares about her close friends.

If you are lucky enough to come across a Kelsie, be sure to hold onto her.

That chick in the tutu just punched me in the face...she is so Kelsie.

by ScreamSilently February 11, 2009

485๐Ÿ‘ 271๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amazing person that takes your breath away and is as beautiful as an angle. She can light up your life like the sun lights up the sky and she can turn any depressing day into the happiest moment of your life. If you know her you are the luckiest person alive and if you have had the chance to date her you are even luckier. she is the best thing that has ever happened to you.

If your a kelsie and you know a guy named Ryley and he is hitting on you go ahead and give him a chance.

that person is so kelsie

by Ryley The ginger February 10, 2017

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful girl that is WAYYY chill, she's my princess, she's my bestieee, i love her A...LOT and if you don't, I WILL fight you.

"Dude that chika Kelsie, she's hot."

by AWESOME FUCKER March 31, 2009

277๐Ÿ‘ 161๐Ÿ‘Ž