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Malcolm is a sweet person. A boy who is sweet and very intelligent, but sometimes acts like a jerk near his friends. He can make you fall in love with him and he won't even do it on purpose. He will protect you and make you smile and laugh all the time. He will be the best best friend u will ever find. And if you ever lose him u will cry so much without even realising how much u need him in ur life. He's not a player, he will never cheat on a girl. If you find a malcolm don't let him go.

Girl 1: why are you smiling so much
Girl 2: I think she was talking to malcolm
Girl 3: I was talking to malcolm, he makes my day just by smiling at me or telling me how important I am for him, he's so sweet
Girl 2: I knew it

by LondonSexyGirl February 4, 2018

25πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A guy, specifically one named Mj, who gets fooled two times by two girls, the first time he’s usually fine with it, and he says β€œi love you” and sexual things when he has a girlfriend, he also makes jokes about rape to his friends in a groupchat. If you meet one of these, he definitely wont tell you his middle name if you arent dating him. He’s usually a bitch and has nerdy glasses. Hes nice, but if you say something wrong he threatens to block you.

If that malcolm is dumb enough to look up his name in the urban dictionary, hello mj. Ur girlfriend can definitely do better

Have you texted Malcolm today?

No, he told me he would block me if i kept asking him what his middle name was.

by lexi_retc June 25, 2022

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Malcolm is a very kind hearted, funny man. Usually has dirty blonde, or brown hair. If you have a Malcolm in your life you are very lucky, because he can make you smile under any circumstance. He treats women with respect, and will do anything for his family. He has many friends, and loves sports. He has a very outstanding personality, and is a very respectful person. He will fight for what he believes in, and will stand up for what is right. He’s a lover not a fighter, but if he’s needs to he will fight, but only to protect.

Person 1: Wow look at him, what a very handsome man.
Person 2: Must be a Malcolm!

by Skskks May 12, 2019

13πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A slick young african American man who is loved in his neighborhood and is a leader. He has a sense of humor and is respected by his peers. He is smarter than the average and knows how to get money and finesse. He attracts young ladies with his presence and doesn't have to speak for people to understand him.

Malcolm is that nigga

by 65cashteam March 13, 2017

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Malcolms are the smartest, funniest, kindest people on earth. Malcolms are attractive, an are always there for you when you need them the most. A Malcolm can be your life... your pride even. Malcolms are the most beautiful creatures to Rome the planet... but if you get the chance to be close to one, don't throw away that chance. once you lose that chance, there may be no getting it back... falling in love with a Malcolm is the easiest thing in the world... but losing a Malcolm is the hardest thing you could ever do... believe me... I know.

girl- Malcolm is so cute... I think I want him
other girl- he is the most perfect man on earth... I KNOW I want him

by Lost lover of many January 15, 2018

20πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


An extremely sexy boy that will sometimes make mistakes with his girlfriend, but she should always know that he loves her and wants the best for her at all times. He is cute, funny, and a special someone for every person that he comes in contact with. He can also be a flirt, but that just because its his nature and he will most likely change it for that special person.

Girl: Hey baby

Malcolm: Hey sexy how are you today?
Girl: I'm ok
Malcolm: Oh watcha doin
Girl: nothing
Malcolm: Oh maybe I can make you have fun by maybe entertaining you ;-)

by truthteller97 July 6, 2010

330πŸ‘ 518πŸ‘Ž


Northern Irish slang for someone who will never lose their virginity.
Derived from the words, 'Mal for lack of and 'colm' sounding like cum.

"That lanky prick Matthew is going to be a Malcolm forever."

by TheRussian01 May 20, 2018

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž