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middle school

the school after elementary school and before high school. the purpose is learning new subjects, preparing for highschool, and trying out new things. what it really is is a shithole of drama and skanks that doesn't help anybody. oh, and the food sucks ass, too.

"i can't wait 'till highschool, man. middle school sucks!"

by yummyloserface March 15, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

What comes after elementary school and before high school. Middle schools are usually grades six to eight but some are just grades seven and eight.

Everybody is going through puberty and there's a lot of drama. It's boring and all the kids are stuck there and the teachers can boss you around and the kids can do stupid shit because middle school kids aren't "little kids" anymore, yet they're still not old enough to be mature high school students.

NOTE: Middle schools mostly don't exist in the European countries and Australia. However, these kids are dumped right into a high school (which is grades seven through twelve) right after they get out of elementary school.

Middle school sucks ass.

by ugh seriously? March 31, 2007

171๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

a shitwhole where everyone either thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread or become suicidal. supposedly everyone is "equal", but in their head everyone is thinking they are better than everyone else. friendships are shallow, limited only to the people in your classes or cliques. everyone in the fucking building has stress and anxiety issues....yet they still think they are different.

teacher: so who in this room has ever thought they have ADD but werent sure?
(everyone slowly raises hand)
teacher: dont worry, thats a common thought for middle-schoolers
i went to a shrink when i was in middle school...so did all my friends.

by the shiztaaa 14 October 24, 2005

1225๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle school

Ah yes, the worst years you'll ever have in your life. 6th graders are immature and look 5 years old, 7th graders like to talk shit and make dirty jokes whilst bullying the 6th graders, 8th graders want to go home but not before they post every breathing moment of their life on Snapchat and ask to get laid (but like no one wants to touch your zitty ass) Middle schoolers like to wear Nike and Adidas even though they both suck, they listen to rap music unnecessarily loudly, and they add the words "gay" and "faggot" into any sentence. You can find these idiots riding their bikes down the street making moaning noises because they think it's funny. Some advise is to wear deodorant because y'all smell like a petting zoo on laxatives. You also have to respect your upperclassman because you'll get a show up your ass if you don't.

7th grader: haha hi baby!

Random person: who are you?

7th grader: your mom! hahahaha

Random person: oh wait, there's a middle school near here, so this must be a fucking middle schooler.

by Saintadonis16 July 26, 2017

37๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle School

the low point of most everyone's life...before reaching the age of majority, anyway.

middle school fucking sucked ass.

by kate. October 7, 2005

1018๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle School

It's Elementary extended and you hear a lot more cussing and swearing and no one gives a shit if you do like in 4th grade. The girls start wearing shirts that show their cleavage more, despite the fact teachers will try to get on you about that. A place that will make you want to commit suicide, due to all of the mental and physical abuse you go through while you're in middle school and the teachers will just "teach" you shit that you will never use. Parents will get on you more about homework when you would think that it would be enough when kids are fucking with you all day. All of your friends will change and get into drugs more and it may surprise you who it will be. You better prepare for all of the bullying you will go through, from kids ages 12-14 when you're at school and on the bus, it'll be 12-18!!! Middle school does not give anyone mercy, whatsoever, unless you're a fucking jock then no one will fuck with you and you'll be the one who will decide which person deserves mercy. Middle school is (one of) the worst place(s) on Earth and you will have to learn how to survive through middle school. Good luck.

6th grader: Yay!!!! I'm in middle school now!!!

8th grader: Yeah? Welcome to HELL!!!

6th grader: W-w-w-what?

8th grader: You heard me you little shitbag. Listen, this isn't like a walk in the park you dumbass. Middle school is the worst place ever and you're acting like it's going to be great! Well, guess what? It will be hell for all three years while you're here. So unless you are 100% prepared and you are 100% mentally and physically fit for this shit hole, I'd suggest you beg your parents to home school you. Well, it was nice talking to you! Oh, and have fun.

6th grader: Aw, shit...

by reb09juggernaut September 1, 2013

Middle school

We're girls lose brain cells and be fake and boy go crazy for shoulders and bra straps. I'm
teachers that get paid to make you do useless tests where kids do drugs and you get peer pressured into it and you become a crack whore when you grow up. Better than being a teacher

Hey let's be crack whores! Yay middle school!

by This ugly boi September 20, 2018