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You fucking put in the effort. They didn't appreciate you. They smashed your heart in the worst way possible. Growing up with trust issues and rejection. Broken. You feel like you're missing puzzel pieces. I want them to hurt like I did. You feel helpless. You feel like shit.

Fucking cheater. He broke me. Broke my fucking heart. My heart took 9 months to make and he used it and I let him get away with it. I'm just some messed up shit show. I'm Broken

by Fuck. My. Life. June 21, 2020

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unable to reach orgasm

sorry i faked it last night but i am broken.

by zeee April 11, 2006

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Out of order, like my old walkman.

The inability to function.

Crap, my ass is broken. Oh well. I'll be sitting here for a while, so... definitions galore.

by Bastardized Bottomburp November 3, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

A Broken

Usually a political tragic or rusted on who believes and compulsively retweets and repeats obviously ridiculous partisan talking points and idiotic conspiracy theories on twitter or other social media like useful idiots. A broken does this compulsively and will cause their friends and relatives to shun them bc they have something missing in their lives or are somehow broken in some way

He 's a broken, retweeted that MAGA conspiracy theory even though it's easily disproven by a couple of google searches, but he wont let go, he's broken

by Bokobouy June 18, 2023

Broken in

To make a shoe sole fit for your foot after multiple wears.

Hey little Paul, have you broken in those shoes or are they still uncomfortable.

by PerfectoRickie June 8, 2021


A disease that is caused by not having the any money

Signs of brokenitis

1.eating meals like sandwiches,noodles,beans with chopped hot dogs or any other struggle meal

2.you tell everyone youโ€™re broke

3.you wear the same shoes everyday

4.you put water in you dishsoap

Gettjng a job can cure this disease

James:look at this guy over there,he wears that same bum ass outfit everyday

Carl:he has brokenitis James....

James:oh damn thatโ€™s fucked up

by Trickmahdick February 28, 2019




A girl who acts and dresses like she is hot, but she is not.

Damn that girl is broken.

by brokengirls June 3, 2009

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