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My name is Pamela

by Peguero November 22, 2021


A Pamela is a person who is like a very rare and special souvenir in life whom you should strive to keep if you are fortunate enough to meet. A Pamela is a very loving , understanding, mature , rationale, and funny lover. You will never get bored or tired of having a friend/girlfriend named Pamela. Pamela’s are extremely cool , ,intelligent, beautiful and very sexy.

This girl is perfect! She is like a dream
I bet her name is Pamela’

by SimonSaidKing January 27, 2021

3👍 2👎


She is a girl that likes coronas and says way a lot and gets a lot of lap dances by girls and she is also next. She is married to girls that love her and they last long. She moves on real fast. She is really pretty and has a big ass. She loves to have fun and she is a person that can put a smile on your face. No matter what she forgives you and she says what she feels. She is a person of style.

"Who is that girl"

"That is Pamela "

"She's next"

by For my Pamela December 27, 2016

6👍 9👎


She is so cute and always laugh at everything is FUNNY. Sometimes she can be annoying, and if something happens she cries or SING. When she is alone she is sad and Cute. It is fun to play with her and laugh. She is a rare girl. Play with her and don’t lose her.

:) pamela

by September 15, 2020

2👍 2👎


A little redhead with big brown eyes. Even though she has no sole, she still has a big heart and amazing looks. Even though Pamela's are usually white, they have bug butts which guys of all races seem to love. She doesn't care what people think and loves guys with accents. She is amazing and everyone should have a Pamela in there life.

boy #1- "Whos that red head with the butt and the eyes?"
boy #2 - "She must be a Pamela!"

by chainte January 21, 2013

42👍 142👎


Pamela is most definitely without a shadow of a doubt intelligent,independent,beautiful, and strong but don’t get it twisted. If you cross her she will become Karma. Pamela is an exceptional mother and friend and is loved by most, and If you don’t like her it’s probably because you want to be her. Pamela is also a sharpshooter so don’t go cheating because she’s on point. Pamela is every mans dream she does more things than most men... like cooking, cleaning, gardening, electrical work, she can fix a hole in the wall or put your head through a wall. She can skin a deer like a man. But the most important part of Pamela is she has 3 amazing children but the youngest is her favorite.

The name of that sexy Indian lady is Pamela.

by Spacecadet101 December 5, 2020

1👍 1👎


Pamela is a type of girl who is always smiling. She is nice to everyone and if you have her as your friend KEEP HER FOREVER BECAUSE SHE IS THE BEST. She loves dancing and has such a positive and pure heart. She helps everyone and is the best person alive. She loves playing and always helps everyone in their bad imes and good times. SHE IS SO NICEEE AND SWEET

Alexia: There is Pamela she is so nice to me
Valentina: Yes i want to meet her because she seems so happy.
Jimena: Im so happy to have her as a friend.

by cheescakeeee June 9, 2020

3👍 7👎