Source Code

Patriot Act arrest

(n.) Any arrest without a warrant or witnessed crime made without any charges filed, no access to a lawyer, no civil protections, and no possibility of a trial in the foreseeable future, made possible by the PATRIOT Act (a US law that is still the cause of polarizing controversy) and used to accuse innocent people of being terrorists because they work as a cashier in a store that a captured terrorist used to shop at (or something equally pointless).

Every time that a Patriot Act arrest is made, America walks further along the path of self-destruction.

by Alaras January 16, 2006

456πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


the biggest peice of totaletarian bullshit ever (Also see George W Bush)

Dude, my friend got taken away by the government last night...

by Adrien June 2, 2005

138πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

patriot act

surprisingly, the critics of this who say congress didnt understand it haven't read/understood this document either. they just hear the main gist, and make stupid assumptions, or they just hear what other people say and repeat it without thinking. the patriot act doesnt say it can tap anyone, or get a warrant without any evidence whatsoever, or arrest anyone for no reason at all. It loosens restrictions that have been a big problem in preventing things from actually getting done. it also has a big part of making the way for intelligence agencies to share/give information to the proper departments and agencies in order to be effective for once and stop fucking around.

fact: the terrorist who was planning to knock down/destroy the Brooklyn bridge was arrested thanks to the Patriot Act. He was being tapped, and the word Brooklyn Bridge came up often. Pre-Patriot Act: courts would have asked when is this attack? how is it going to be attacked?...dont know? no warrant. But the information was turned to the NYPD, extra enforcement placed on the bridge, and then wire taps revealed the guy backing off because there was too much heat and security. A raid of his apartment showed shematics and plans on how he planned on destroying the bridge. You would know this if you read a newspaper, watched the news...anything. I hope plenty of you critics who drove across that bridge consider you could have been on that brdige with a terrorist cutting cables, blowing up the beams, or w/e, that wasnt caught with the aid of the Patriot Act. Numerous cells have been captured thanks to the Patriot Act.

Im glad so many of you are ignorant, and yet critical, of the Patriot Act. Because if the Patriot Act did what you say it does, all of you would be arrested for criticizing it. And yet, you're still here.

by CP December 7, 2004

78πŸ‘ 922πŸ‘Ž


Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act.

The Act passed in 2001 that severly curtails Americans' civil rights. Also see Patriot Act.

John Ashcroft is now one step nearer towards an Orwellian society with the US PATRIOT ACT.

by mailer_diablo October 22, 2004

52πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

patriot act

when a guy takes one for the team by having sex with an ugly chick but wrapping an american flag over her face

dude i should have patriot act this girl in the bar i met but i was so hammered to notice her face

by rente2121 October 20, 2009

13πŸ‘ 477πŸ‘Ž

patriot act

An act that scares terrorists and other people that have something to hide (potential terrorists).

Come on people, as long as you live your life safe, go to work, pay your taxes and stay out of trouble (living a clean and simple life), this act doesn't effect you AT ALL. If you're a freaking radical muslim extremist, whose name is Mohammed Bin Al-Kazar, and you start checking out books from the libary on how to make bombs and start talking to your radical jihadist brothers over the phone about bombing America, then this act does effect you in every way.

Expand the mind a little bit people. Radical Muslims have declared Jihad on America and they will stop at nothing to kill us. The PATRIOT Act is why all the damn suicide bombings happen over seas, and not HERE.

Worry free citizen: Oh I just checked out Harry potter from the library. After I get off work, I believe I shall go home and relax in the comfort of it. Meanwhile, the PATRIOT Act is protecting from people who want to take away my freedoms as a loving, Christian American.

Crazy Ass Radical Extremist: Oh I just checked out all three volumes on Bomb Making from the library! America is mine!!! PATRIOT Act is bad!!! Veto it!!! SILENCE!! I KILL YOU!!!!!!

by USAprotector March 10, 2008

19πŸ‘ 878πŸ‘Ž

Adolescent Patriotism Act

On June 14, 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill to insert the phrase β€œunder God” into the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance that children recited every morning in school. The United States wanted to distinguish itself from godless communist countries.

Following this Eisenhower signed another bill that declared all children born after the year 1950 would be required to visit all 48 U.S. States to obtain a high school diploma. This was put into place as a way to promote patriotism in American youth.

In 1959 after the installation of both Hawaii and Alaska as U.S. states. The law was called into question as Congress was unsure of requiring students to travel out of the continental United States.
Currently American students are required to visit all 50 U.S. States in order to graduate from high school. Each student gets 12 years to complete this. They are allowed to cross their home state off the list (Excluding District of Columbia students). They must show proof they've visited the state either by photo, souvenir, or a local signature.

In 2016 Hilary Clinton argued this law was classicist and targeted marginalized communities.
Many Americans are forced to get GEDs due to not visiting all 50 states. The groups with the lowest average graduation rates were Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic.
Democrats have been calling for this law to be revoked but have been blocked on several occasions by Republicans who wish for the law to remain in action.

American: "In order to graduate high school in the U.S. we have to visit all 50 states."
Brit: "Please, that's not true. How stupid do you think I am?"
American: "No, seriously it's the 1954 Adolescent Patriotism Act."

by GummyBear652 May 23, 2024