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Payton is an unique name. Payton’s are usually smart, silly, clumsy, gorgeous , and hard to let go they keep secrets well and keeps friends as well. Payton’s think they need to fit in but that’s nonsense many boys like her but she just doesn’t realize it even tho she might have a bf/gf there will always be someone there that loves her for her

Payton looks in her bag for her keys. A boy name jack looks around the corner

Jake says in his head: she is so pretty omg

Payton closes her locker looks at jack: O ah hi jack what are u doing

Jack: o a totally not staring at you and admiring how beautiful you are

Payton: thx but I have a bf...

by Paypay_its_payday July 12, 2018

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puffer fish

puffer fish = payton

by 696969696969696969969696969 March 9, 2020

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful and amazing girl. She makes friends easily and isn't afraid to speak up for herself and friends. She's an animal lover and will do anything to pet your dog. And if she says she's not hungry, she's lying, she could always have a snack and will steal it if your not looking.

Guy 1: Payton did you take my food again?

Payton: No! Maybe...

by Stew your son April 26, 2018


An asshole with the same amount of brain cells as a potato and thinks that he's a 10 even though he's a 4 at best. He is also a HUGE fuckboy. Beware of the Payton.

Girl 1: Who's that guy over there dancing like a drunk orangatang?
Girl 2: That's Payton, please don't date him he has about 9 more STDs than he does friends.

by OurLordAndSaviorPaneraChrist January 17, 2018

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Payton's have had a rough past but somehow makes it through. She has a gorgeous smile that is so contagious. Despite that she has so many friends of different cliques. She loves to share the love. She also has an amazing body, and a very nice petite waste with a larger booty. And she doesn't like to flaunt what she has. She is also a major flirt. But this flirting is almost natural, like she incorporates flirting with talking. Payton's are not easily tied down either, she has more than one guy crushing on her and she's crushing on more than one guy. Payton's have hearts of gold and they plan to spread their love all around.

Guy: Do you know who that is? God she just makes me smile just looking at her. Other Guy: Yeah, doesn't surprise me. That's Payton, kindest and cutest soul you'll ever meet.

by MarylynMonroe67686960 June 14, 2017

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An amazingly stunning person with a personality that will make you melt. She often has a smile that you would die for and a laugh that brightens the day! She is beautiful inside and out and deserves the world.

β€œEveryone should strive to be a Payton.”

by *Payton* June 19, 2018

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an akward,overthinker with a imagination

she is a payton.

by pay-t-on January 20, 2021

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