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Pool piggyback

Tandem swimming which having anal sex

Marie and Stone did 14 laps of pool piggyback before they were exhausted and thrown out of the club

by Dr.Right March 11, 2022

piggyback fees

when purchasing a ticket for just about anything, one can NEVER pay a 'flat', all 'inclusive fee'...!!

-there always are "handling" charges, 'special' charges, table reservation charges, air-usage charges, parking charges, etc!! (-you get it!) pumping up the initial charge, so one has to 'choke-up' more money -ie:getting "nickled and dimed" to death! (the american way!!)

this is a form of 'bait and switch' as one thinks they're going to 'get sex' for a certain price, but the price just keeps rising!!

-why not just pump another twenty dollars on the ticket price to begin with?? -i guess a 'flat' charge is just too frightening here in america!, where everything MUST exist under a cloud of bullshit!!

did you get mike foolsley tickets? -yeah the price is reasonable, but the piggyback fees will eat your ass up!!
just me and the piggyback fees in a dark alley, me with a shotgun!

by michael foolsley February 15, 2010

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Croatian piggyback

A Croatian piggyback is a highly advanced sexual position in which only experienced lovers should try. The woman gets on the mans back (like a piggyback) and the man bends his penis though his legs and inserts it into the vagina.

Sally gave me the hottest Croatian piggyback of my life last night

by Oh lord how I have sinned April 18, 2018

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Australian Piggyback Ride

When a person is being double-teamed, gang-banged, or in a three way with a goat and a reindeer.

Man 1: Hey, you here about Durnya?

Man 2: Yea! I Heard he got an Australian Piggyback Ride!

Man 1: I know! I wonder how it feels?

Man 2: Hey, let's go ask him!!!

by Girafffffffe77777 January 13, 2011

KC Piggyback Ride

A two-person toilet maneuver where the larger of the two people sits down on the pot regular style and the smaller of the two people removes the lid of the tank and then climbs on top of the toilet, sitting behind the larger person, piggyback style. Then the duo simultaneously release their bowels. This technique is both physically and emotionally challenging and should only be attempted by those of both sound body and mind. Clean-up after the KC Piggyback Ride is a nightmare and the maneuver should only be attempted in an enemy or rival's bathroom, or an appropriate public bathroom, like one found at a Chick Fil A.

Person A: "Man, I really need to take a dump!"
Person B: "Me too, and seeing how you are smaller than me, do you want to find a toilet and bust a KC Piggyback Ride?"

by Doogan McPoos September 3, 2014

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frothy piggyback

Throwing up on your girls back during doggy style.

Bro last night was sick! I gave my girl a frothy piggyback!

by Scout 23 April 26, 2016

Bloody Piggyback

The action of cunnilingus on a woman during her menstral period, and after she begins to bleed with her woman juices, she hops onto her partners shoulders and allows the blood to flow down the partners back.

That girl was crazy, she gave me a bloody piggyback.

by minimalistShinigami November 17, 2018