Mathheo Riddle is Tom Riddles's son AKA Voldermort :)) he is in slytherin and he is in many harry potter tiktok stories.
Y/N: Hey Riddle
Y/N: Hey Malfoy
Y/N: Hey Riddle~
Draco Malfoy: You said Hey Riddle 2 times
Y/N: I like Riddle
Mattheo Ridlle: **smiles while blushing**
Hey Mattheo Riddle!
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โtom riddleโs makin me feel a type of wayโ -me
โstfuโ -my friend
A very significant character in the Harry Potter series. Tom Marvolo Riddle was an orphaned half-blood before he became Lord Voldemort, the mortal enemy of Harry Potter. Tom Riddle was born to a muggle, Tom Riddle sr. and a pureblood witch, Merope Gaunt, one of the last-surviving descendants of Salazar Slytherin. Merope had Tom in an orphanage before she died. There, Tom was said to be a "funny baby," very quiet, never cried. he scared the other children but none of the adults seemed to be able to catch Tom and none of the children would talk about the things he did when no adults were around.
Tom Riddle, supposedly, is "incapable of love," has no real friends and uses those around him as stepping stones to get what he wants. He has a crooked sense of right and wrong, cannot stand to have things taken away from him and collects little trophies from his victems. Once in Hogwarts, Tom usually got his little gang of friends to do his dirty work. Being a full-blown sociopath from the tender age of 11, Tom Riddle had no qualms with committing murder to make himself more and more powerful through various methods of the darkest of dark magic. No other wizard in history achieved what Tom Riddle achieved though the darkest of means and maked him nearly impossable to kill.
Despite all of his nastiness, few people knew about Tom Riddle's true, cold, obsessive nature at Hogwarts, being a prefect, head boy and a very well-liked student. Tall for his age, with jet black hair, a pale, strikingly handsome face and a quiet manner, Tom was very well liked at felt sorry for by Hogwarts teachers and other students; the only teacher that kept an "annoyingly close watch" on Tom, was the then Transfiguration teacher, Albus Dumbledore, the only one Voldemort ever feared.
Tom Riddle is that hot guy you thought you knew, but he ends up being the one who killed your best friend and a bunch of other people, simply because he's a sociopath that has no real value on human life.
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Phrase originally used by the Riddler at the beggining of one of his riddles, asking the listener to explain the riddle. Now used as a challenge to someone to provide an answer to a question that has no apparent answer.
Riddle me this - why did "Batman & Robin" with the collective talent of George Clooney, Chris O Donnell, Uma Thurman, John Glover and even Alicia Silverstone suck so hard?
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Mattheo Riddle itโs Tom Riddleโs or Lord Voldemortโs son. The character came from a fanfic called Possessive. Itโs played by Benjamin Wadsworth.
Mattheo Riddle was a man.
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Main Entry: 1ridโขdle 1viโขsion
Pronunciation: 'ri-d&l 'vi-zh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin vision-, visio, from vidEre to see -- more at WIT; Middle English redels, ridel, from Old English rAEdelse opinion, conjecture, riddle; akin to Old English rAEdan to interpret -- more at READ
1 a : the act or power of seeing attractiveness which is not present in reality : SIGHT b : the special sense by which the qualities of an object (as hotness, personality, weight and size) constituting its appearance are skewed and improperly perceived by the eye as desirable (without the aid of alcohol)
2 a : something seen, but not as it really is b : a lovely or charming sight by default from lack of comparable females
Riddle Student: "Dude, see that hot chick at Chartwells today?"
Regular college student: "I thought that was a guy."
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